JOURNAL: dokidoki

  • nemuiiii... 2002-02-20 03:08:50 So much for going to bed earlier tonight... Was helping someone with something for a few hours, and the VCA results of course started a new flurry of posts in the forum. (must... stop... posting so much...)

    Thanks to those of you who voted for me (or simply voted), and congratulations to the other winners/nominees.

    I had an idea at work that I think I could turn into something good, but it would take quite a bit of work. (don't they all?) 
  • blah blah valentines day whine whine 2002-02-14 16:45:42 Special Valentine's Day Video, in case you haven't seen it... :)

    Someone brought in Wreckless (for Xbox) to work last Friday... Cool graphics. For the replay mode, they do things with the frame buffer to emulate just about every cheesy Photoshop trick out there, but it's still neat seeing it done in realtime. Too bad I read a review that the gameplay/replayability leaves something to be desired. It seemed that you could drive through posts, but I think I prefer that to the INDESTRUCTIBLE POLES OF DOOM in other games. (or the "floaty" breakaway poles in others)

    That's it for now, until I remember something else I've forgotten. ^_^ 
  • work 2002-02-13 20:35:36 Well, my project at work is back on wheeeeee! But some of the data we need for it was delayed from March to May. :( Also, I'll be starting development on a new (to me) console when we get them.

    They did some spring cleaning of sorts at work, so they're auctioning off some stuff, and giving some other stuff away. (within the company. the leftovers after that go to charity) I didn't bid on anything (Atari 1040ST, Amiga 1200, C64s, Apples, SegaCD, some devkits), but I got German Monopoly PC free (my mom studies German), and Japanese Star Wars Monopoly. The Japanese SWM is the tabletop, not the PC version, so it has the cool metal tokens and stuff. The board has Japanese and English on it, while the cards are Japanese-only.

    The devkits are interesting from a historical perspective, but they haven't been taken care of... There were devkits with no documentation, and vice versa. It's mildly amusing in retrospect... the Sega Genesis devboard is packed with Sony chips.

    TobinHood: Thanks. :)
    Ashton: Kusoyaro was nominated in three categories... 
  • "I think you ought to know I'm feeling rather depressed..." 2002-02-10 04:30:05 Well, not at the moment, but earlier this week. And I just feel like quoting HHGG.

    Belated VCA comments:
    Thank you to those of you that nominated me and my videos. I didn't expect so many nominations. (11 total, 7 for "Right Now", including "Most Artistic"? O_o) I didn't expect many at all. Call me naive or whatever, but I guess I kind of try to not expect much so I won't be disappointed. (yeah, cliche. I don't like to consider myself a pessimist, though)

    I found the resulting outburst(s) rather depressing. (the forums seemed to have quieted down a little until then) Though I felt fortunate to not be a target of most of the "anti-hype". (for example, Kevin Caldwell's videos are so revered, you get "anti-hype", like "he's not that good") I didn't really feel like posting much, unless I had a "witty" comment. It's died down a little, so I posted in that "buzzworthy" thread. (even if nothing comes from it, brainstorming isn't bad) I'm glad KZ's post was sarcastic... At first I just saw the thread title and thought, "not another petition". (a la Otakon last year)

    Earlier this week, I asked Phade to remove me from the VCA. Not because I didn't like the contest or didn't appreciate the nominations, but it seemed that the contest was much more important to other people than it was to me. I thought I could make someone else happy by dropping out. (maybe they wouldn't like only being in as a result of my dropping out, but that'd be their option) I haven't been removed, and I guess Phade is just going to let the VCA run its course. It's his decision, so whatever. It was just a thought.

    I could have just not clicked the little button, but I figured Phade wanted the little button clicked and all the info entered and so on, so I did. Also see above about not expecting much.

    On the video front... Things are going slowly, not progressing... Call me crazy ("You're crazy!") but I went through Ranma Kombat and removed dozens of the hairs and specks in the footage. I'll be posting a new encode sometime later. When working frame-by-frame, it's very annoying seeing a few-pixel area flare up to white for a frame or three, so I edit it out frame-by-frame. (filters would cause side effects) I found a *really big scratch* in one BGC scene, but it was overall cleaner. I'm trying to clean up some of my old stuff a bit, since I'd like to make a DVD. The problem with my stuff is that some of it is annoyingly hard to redo, so it will be staying at low-res. (and blown up for DVD, I guess)

    kyburg: Oh, your "oh dear" was referring to the music, not the video itself. Oops.

  • pining for "journal reply" feature 2002-02-06 17:05:34 kyburg: Do your worst! Mwahahahahaaa!
    As far as non-serious videos go, my LP video wasn't intended as a serious video. (did that make any sense?)
    But I think it's sad that Hyper Hybrid Theory has twice as many reviews as Operator. :)

    More blahblah later when I have time... 
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