JOURNAL: dokidoki

  • gamez0rz 2001-11-15 17:00:12 "Look at me," said the first cloud. "I'm an Xbox."
    "Look at me," said the second cloud. "I'm an Xbox."
    "This console blows," said the bunny.

    No, no, I'm not bashing Xbox, I just think the ad is funny.
    A couple of guys at work bought some, and one of them brought his in. He got Halo, Munch's Oddyssey, and Project Gotham with it. They're playing Munch now...

    Gotham: As someone else put it, "it's photorealistic at first glance." The buildings are a little flat, but in the replay, when the camera's in front of the car, it can look quite good. Being able to change the license plate is a nice touch. Though it seemed that the reflection on the car was at a lower frame rate than the game itself.

    Munch: They were mocking the training level (comparing it to Pac-Man), but it's getting quite good. The fuzzles are cute, and the flocking when you get followers is neat.

    Halo (intro/inside): The multitexturing/bump mapping/reflection mapping are cool, but some of the animation could be improved. Some problems:
    - At one point, it seemed one person's hips turned completely
    independently from his body.
    - When characters turned at one part, their feet slid
    instead of stepping into place.
    - I forget. :|
    The sound of the little bad guys remind me of Ewoks. :)

    Halo (outside): Wow. Although the grass isn't modelled (except a few parts here and there), when you look down at it, it looks really nice, and I couldn't see any seams. (though the joining of rocks and ground could be better)

    It seems that Xbox games have a standard VOB on them with an Xbox logo and "this is an Xbox game!" in case you stick it in a DVD player. The Xbox "dashboard" ("OS") is nice too.

    Someone else brought in Metal Gear Solid 2. We should pause the intro and look at the (program) code. :) 
  • Who needs the Million-Dollar Man to teach them the meaning of the word "bank"? 2001-11-12 22:00:05 The WWF edition of Weakest Link was on tonight. Pretty funny. But they didn't bank anything two rounds in a row! (hence the title) And it seems that George Bush is on the American one dollar bill now. :)
    (Anne: "Who thinks that WWF stands for 'Without Wisdom Forever'?")

    I wonder how much some journals will shrink (or grow) when Phade adds the reply feature. (I know, I know, I've replied to stuff in mine as well)

    Hmm, AMV stuff... I picked my tracks for DDR2. Both pretty much instrumentals, so I have all the rope I need to hang myself with. I guess I'll concoct a special effects-fest, since that's what's expected of me. :P :) 
  • Adriaaaaaan! 2001-11-12 14:34:43 Greyduck: I remember Rocky's Boots. I don't think I ever played it (I followed Commodore's line of products, not Apple's), but I saw ads for it. I remembered that it was an educational game about logic gates. And it seems I was right. 
  • TRANSMUTE! some more! 2001-11-07 02:35:18 Oh yeah, I remembered seeing new Battle of the Planets art by Alex Ross on EK's forum. It's not there any more so I searched for it.
    BotP news... Seems they're coming out with a game, too, in Q4 2002.
    Saw the Alex Ross art here.
    Review of the first disc... It comes with an episode of G-Force too! G-Force, Battle of the Planets, and Gatchaman... how much more could you want? :)
    (note how the ratings are different for each version)

    Oh, and it was odd hearing Casey Kasem in BotP. I forgot he was in it. (or never made the connection in the first place) 
  • TRANSMUTE! 2001-11-06 21:24:00 Warning: Nostalgia/sentimentalism ahead.

    A little while ago, I saw Battle of the Planets V.2 DVD in the comic store. Now, BotP is the first anime I remember seeing, but didn't know it was anime at the time. (I probably also saw Astro Boy back then, but it didn't leave as much of an impression) I watched it alllll the time. The store didn't have V.1, and I briefly considered waiting until I could obtain V.1, but thought nah, the show probably wasn't shown in proper order back when I saw it anyway. So I bought it.

    It's kind of neat... For each episode, the DVD contains Sandy Frank's Battle of the Planets dub, and the original (subtitled) Kagaku Ninja Tai Gatchaman. (Science Ninja Team Gatchaman) I watched the dub first, of course. (since it was an exercise in nostalgia, after all)

    Ah, good (bad) old 7-Zark-7... More on him later.

    I actually remembered these episodes! (though I watched it a lot, I'm sure I missed an episode here or there) I remembered the "Monster of the Day", anyway... A giant mummy, and a "space serpent". The episodes focused a little too much on Mark for my taste, though I guess it makes sense for early episodes. I wanted to see more of the rest of the team, and vehicles other than the Phoenix and Mark's plane.

    And comparing the two versions was rather interesting... For those that don't know, BotP was cut (not surprising), but to make up the time, and explain away some of the missing scenes, American animation was added of a narrating robot, and his dog.

    As for the differences... Manned fighter jets magically became "robot fighting planes". (one inside-the-cockpit scene was cut) Instead of dying, a pilot "disappears". (there was a death in BotP Ep4, but it was more integral to the plot) Instead of Mark (okay, his name is "Ken" in the Japanese version) pulling a girl's hand to force her to press a missile launch button, a scene is cut and the dialogue changed. Instead, she refuses, Mark goes, "duh, good for you! revenge is bad!" and Jason presses the button. But enough of that. I know changes had to be made, I just found them interesting.

    Note: Gatchaman was licensed for North America *again* by Ted Turner (IIRC), and made into "G-Force". This version had no added animation, cut less footage (I saw an episode on CN and saw blood in one scene, ooo!), but had awful names!

    (BotP -> G-Force)
    Mark -> Ace Goodheart (ick!)
    Jason -> Dirk Daring (ugh!)
    Princess -> Agatha June ("Aggie to her friends!")
    Keyop -> Tiny
    Tiny -> Hootowl ("Hootie to his friends!")

    Side note: BotP is how I learned the hard way that "when you record, something else gets overwritten". (blank space or not. in this case not) I was watching previously recorded Captain Kangaroo, and BotP came on. So I stopped the tape, and started recording BotP. Oops.

    A valuable lesson learned that day.

    PS: MeriC/dreddnott: Mooahahahaaa... :) 
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