2001-10-20 21:56:47
Right Now and Operator are up (and public) now. That's a relief. Time for backups, aieeeee...
Ugh. Stupid Chapters. Whenever I go there, whatever I want has been moved somewhere else. Language books? Moved over there. Computer books? Moved downstairs. Humour? Same thing. Computer book subsection? Oh yeah, we moved that too. And the cash registers always seem so empty... They have 10 cash registers, but I've only ever seen between one and four of them staffed at any one time.
I guess the other employees are off moving the books.
Hey Akimbo...2
2001-10-18 16:17:09
C'mon up to Canada, eh? William(Aluminum) is coming for Anime North next year, and Jason(RYS) was thinking about it. It conflicts with Animazement though. :( (again)
Found this on the AWA msgbrd... I haven't even *heard* of some of this stuff. (in my part of the country, anyway)
Right Now is online right now. I'm staggering the rollout to let some people get at it without the bandwidth crush. :)
Hey Akimbo...
2001-10-18 16:05:18
If you happen to read this, blah blah blah-bidy blah. :)
2001-10-18 16:03:25
knghtbrd: I dunno... a green one may take another three thousand hours. :)
I'm glad you liked SOS. It's funny that others get it when there are actually a bunch of in-jokes in it as well. (see )
As for "AMVs with mainstream appeal" (or understanding, at least), try Pokemon/"Bitches" by Otaku Vengeance. Penny Arcade even linked to it once.
Communicating through journals is funny. People have been saying, "The forum is the new ML!"... now "The journal is the new forum!"
I was into the demo scene on the Amiga. The early PC demo scene annoyed me because I had to mess with memory settings to get them to work. So I didn't bother. The Amiga ones were problematic for some because most were in PAL mode but I had a PAL-capable Amiga. One of my favourite Amiga groups was Melon Dezign. Their effects weren't always the best, but I liked their style. (I liked Humantarget)
My friends and I even made an Amiga demo:
(don't let the .exe extension fool you... tacking on .exe seemed like it was "fashionable" at one point on Amiga)
I haven't looked at many PC demos lately (now that graphics cards have improved and you don't have to mess with configurations as much), but I'd recommend "The Product", a 64K demo by Farbrausch.
Hmm... While looking for the URL, I happened to find a demo fan page in Japanese...
2001-10-18 12:19:34
At last! My 3714 hours of hard work have paid off! I've created a red lens flare!
Current server time: Jan 16, 2025 02:53:28