JOURNAL: dokidoki

  • Hooray for referrer logs! 2002-10-06 22:50:10 Because they help me find stuff like this:

    I started the video filter I talked about here before. It's working, but I have to clean up the interface and stuff. I wanted something to copy portions of a frame to subsequent frames in order to get rid of bits of noise, but without filtering the entire image. I've done it before in Premiere with masks, but that's slow.

    It's funny how things work out sometimes. I whined in this space before about how the PPG movie was so quick to leave theatres. A second-run theatre showed it last Thursday, but at 3PM. (figures) I didn't want to leave work early to see it, but it turned out that that day happened to be the day of the company golf tournament. I don't golf, so I went to see it. :) It was a fun movie... best game of tag since Urusei Yatsura. ;)

    The day before, a co-worker told me to try and avoid the kids in the audience... I only saw a few. The rest, I believe, were animation students or other college-aged people. :) (It was shown as part of an Animation Festival)

    The Quest For Dokinium: Now available at :) 
  • Eureka! 2002-10-01 18:32:36 We interrupt the AWA recaps to bring you this breaking news...

    I just fixed a crash bug! :)

    So I think, anyway. I think the game's gone through four or five times without crashing. It was related to playing videos.

    (Got to work at 1PM yesterday... Fortunately we don't have to send a burn until tomorrow. At least it's better than when I got to work at 4PM the Monday after Otakon. :)

    AD: Curse you for giving me more ideas for software to write. :) I'm glad you had fun at the con. (considering the distance :) Thanks for coming to our panel. (after being up until 6/7? O_o) I've thought of more dokinium stuff for next year, if Bill wants to do it. ("Less Than Tacos"? hahahaha! same for "decorating skills" :)

    As for the "showing Pro videos unless they won" thing... Last year they showed all the nominated Pro videos before announcing who won, but weren't able to show all the Masters entries. (in the contest time block) I guess this year all the Masters entries were shown during the contest block at the expense of the nominated-but-not-winning Pro entries.

    "proud as punch"... Proud as drunken master Sobe punch? :)

    About the "AMV table party"... It was creepy saying the same thing as Justin on a couple of occasions. Stop stealing my lines! And I think that between Vlad and Nic, they almost took enough pictures during the evening to do an animation!

    Man, next year I should take two days off for AWA instead of one. (I missed the Thursday dinner) I should have more time off if I don't take off three days for AX. :P As it stands I plan on going to Anime North, Otakon, and AWA next year. I'll see how other cons look later on. (The Thursday before AWA next year is my birthday, as well :)

    Marco: It was neat how some of the reversed scenes looked like they could have been in the anime like that. I'll have to get the remastered version when you're done.

    jescaflowne: heehee "spoils of war"... ^_^; Good luck on getting into more of a design role at work. Thanks for letting me bitch about work a bit at AWA. (I feel a little better now that I've fixed this crash bug, and I fixed a few memory leaks last week) I'll have to check out TMO. :)

    My computer at home started acting up last night. A light in the next room flickered and the computer powered off. I think the power bar has surge protection... I hope it's okay.

    Funny story: A local comic shop didn't know that the Eva: Death and Rebirth DVD was double sided, and WROTE ON their rental copy. :)

    Hsien: You too? :D 
  • AWA was, well.... 2002-09-30 02:59:41 uber.

    It was great meeting jescaflowne, AbsoluteDestiny, mexicanjunior, and Fluxmeister. (I met others too for the first time, but those were the ones I talked the most with... tired now...) And to everyone else... yeah, good seeing you again yadda yadda. ;) I know it's too soon for some, but I hope a bunch of people can make it to AUSA. (I know of several going already)

    Thanks to Wednesday for the Gema. My set is complete. :)

    As expected, I saw practically none of AWA except the VAT (and dealer's room... got DDR 4th and 5th Mixes), but I think I even saw less of that this year due to hanging out with people. I missed a lot of the DDR Project 2 while talking to jescaflowne and paizuri, but it was fun. :)

    I also missed the winning Masters video since mine played before it and people were talking to me about it. (It wasn't a joke, by the way, if anyone else was wondering) Oh well. Congratulations to Fred and all the other winners.

    A couple of explanatory comments about Hsien's journal: (his Iron Chef video is uber!)

    > - Being welcomed into the VAT with a "Sig Heil!" from Brad DeMoss.

    (because on the DDRPrjML, he's known as the "DDR Nazi", because he was the one bugging everyone for status reports and keeping them in line during the project)

    > - Iron Chef! ... Next year: British Invasion ^_^

    (AbsoluteDestiny is the Challenger next year)

    > - Biggest AMV party ever.

    I think there were around 50 people in the hotel room at one point...

    Congratulations to paizuri on his win at the con. ^_-
    (Your Star Trekkin' vid is cool!)

    A few notable videos (to me) at the con:
    - An X one with the video in reverse
    - Totoro video in masters
    - The 3 Little Pigs/Eva video
    - Brad/Dave's "AMV ad", made at the con

    Man, I've got so much stuff to clean up, back up, and upload... (up up up, up up) 
  • awa awa awa awa awa awa awa awa awa awa awa awa awa awa 2002-09-24 01:52:00 gambitt: I'm not talking to you at AWA. :)
    I thought you weren't going? It's cool that you can go.
    ErMaC can also go, woo! Scott might not be able to go, d'oh.

    In a couple of ways I'm not looking forward to AWA, since I feel not-ready... I haven't had time to burn CDs, and I still have to get stuff ready tomorrow night to show during my panel with Aluminum. Work is annoying... I thought the game would have shipped by now, but nooooo, after making a bunch of changes I'm now looking for crashes and memory leaks. (I inherited this code from someone else) I did pretty much finish my part of our parody panel intro video, though. It was a little rushed, and some footage isn't the highest quality (yeah so what else is new), but I hope people find it amusing anyway. I look forward to seeing it fully assembled tomorrow. (Bill's putting the parts together)

    (I like the title screen I did tonight. hee hee :) 
  • "I want to dive lost mind! I want to dive lost mind!" 2002-09-15 01:41:09 Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!
    The local anime club is now at Ep28 of Hajime no Ippo, and they changed the OP! The old one was great with one of the best combinations of English words I have ever seen...

    "I want to dive lost mind."

    <sigh> I guess I'll have to get used to the new one, with its "pain trance continue".

    Finally got around to seeing an episode of .hack//SIGN last night. Wow. The music was in danger of drowning out the dialogue. And I hear it almost NEVER LETS UP.

    What else... stuff I forgot to post before...
    I saw an ad for a TV show a while back. I forget the name, "Ever"something, perhaps, but I was surprised to see a kid wearing a Ranma T-shirt. (the P-chan one, to be specific)

    Also, I glanced at the back page of a free weekly newspaper a while ago, and saw the cover of the Eva: Death and Rebirth DVD. (I'm not going to bother going into the issues people have with the disc here) I thought, "That's nice, it's finally out and available at some mainstream store."

    Then I looked at the rest of the page, and it was a *full-page ad* for anime available at Future Shop. No printers, no DVD players, no games... just anime. (I was surprised to see Ranma among the titles, but I guess since they got involved with Pioneer, they've had better distribution)

    I got interested in anime around Christmas '94. Compared to then, this is just... wow. 
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