2002-11-01 19:16:29
well for me neways....damn company that owns the server seems to believe that unlimited bandwidth means your not allowed to use so much that it upsets them (diddums). Well, back to square one I guess, no more server space, as well as missing the CSUN amv contest entry date.......things don't much better than this huh =)
Down and Out.....for now
2002-10-11 21:02:32
well for anyone who is wondering why the links to my amv's are down (which I'm sure is around......i dunno, 3 people?) it's cause my poor old friend's host is happily ignoring him and his questions as to why they've closed down his ftp. Well, time will tell what's going on, so you 3, be patient =)
come get 'em
2002-09-24 00:38:30
Well well, seems the time of animePROPHECY videos ready for download has come, and it couldn't have come at a nicer time. Since my brother left for holidays I've not only temporarily erm.....borrowed his constantly updated pc to make AMV's like there's no tomorrow (and I mean that almost literally, I may not be alive when he returns), but I've also come across a very nice guy indeed - chris from If it not for him I'd have probably never got my AMV's up and running - eternal gratitude to you chris! Anyways if you've been one of the few patient people lingering around my profile all these years or want some new and decent AMV's for a change (yeah lets make a stand!...ah fuck it, they can wait for another day) then please download my AMV's. Except With You....I'm not so sure if i should've even uploaded it, makes me look bad...but besides that, d/l then d/l some more!
Muahahahaha this is the beginning of the end....erm....I mean....enjoy ^_^*
hehehe so funny
2002-09-18 09:57:44
first off id like to comment on scooterkidds journal entry, hehe so funny. funny caus its true. for that ill download some of your videos. anyways that whole feeling motivated and getting a job thing didnt last and im still jobless....not that neone wouldve even read my other entry *sigh*. all i need is somewhere to host my vids and ill get an audience, just u wait.....
that job idea is sounding better then ever now. of course i would get one if i am...i mean ah....doing exams. yeah, exams. until next time i guess. now to go and work on another am....i mean study. yeah, study. heh.
2002-06-12 09:14:07
ok new to this, but it's a journal...cant be too hard
coming close to the fourth year of amv making im starting to find the locating of songs somewhat EXTREMELY difficult....however i have managed to come across 'down with the sickness' by disturbed which to everyones amazement ive neevr heard before so ive finally managed to sink into a good 1 minute 30 of a new street fighter alpha vid.
with that doughnut thing, im finally feeling inspired to get a job heh, will be worth it
Current server time: Jan 03, 2025 17:24:41