JOURNAL: madmallard (TJ Hamilton)

  • If musicians rule, why do they suck? 2002-03-26 14:12:50 I guarantee you, walk into any Mars, or Guitar Center, or any music superstore, and you will find a degree of absentmindedness you're only likely to find in corporate america.

    only in these places have i found both the truly stupid, totally untrained in anything useful to customer service, sales, or music. . . to the ultra-eleetist, stroke my ego, my god why do these stupid customers bother me all the time store workers.

    I'm a musician too. . .but i'm a brass player. I don't often $#^@ with sequencers, and i can't play guitar or strings. I'm okay chromatic percussionist, liek marimbas and xylophones, but i'm mediocre at drums. What does this mean? Well, your a band geek from highschool, and the scope of your musical ability must but pathetic because of that.

    Thats the attitude i get at any rate. . .and good heavens, when they start talking about computers to run their cubase and cakewalk, I must be totally in over my head. So that if I ask about the video card they say busted while they were mixing, they look at me, roll their eyes, and say 'I dont play games or anything.'

    Excatly who the flying !#^$^ do you think you are you arrogant piece of trash!? And why is this eleetist attitude shining through in alot of musicians?

    Then i realised. . .its the same with everything else in life. Fan vs. professional. Professional is offended by the sense of the Fan telling them about anything, and the fan thinks they could do a better job than the professional and is made they arent getting paid instead.

    in Fanfiction i know of a couple of people who turned to write professionally. . .and their attitudes towards other fans weren't worth the paper their lousy stories were written on. WHats worse is the fans mis-spelling words in their tirades against these 'sellouts,' thus proving the professionals right.

    In AMVs you better believe i've seen this attitude from a few Video professionals and production engineers and amv makers, even from public TV channels.

    and yet, for some reason, i dont see it as much in fan artists and comic artists. i wonder why

    Oh well.

    Blind eleetism sucks. SO do you if you follow it. Its much easier to just hate everybody. . . .and more acceptable apparently. 
  • Win one for social decency 2002-03-22 08:17:17 Did any of you hear about that biology teacher in the midwest that caught about 30 highschool kids plagiarising, and flunked their grades?

    But then the parents raised a stink to the school board and the board ordered the teacher to give them passing grades?

    THe teacher quit first, showing she had some sense of fortitude.

    This was a true story, but this happened a while ago. Now there's more news on it. . .

    Now, the idea that a teacher who made a perfectly justified decision on education and failed cheaters is 'gang up on' by the school board to 'just let it slide' shows just how truly pathetic American schools have become. And the parents that got their undies in a bind over little Timmy being flunked because he copied his biology paper from a web site, i say shame on you.

    Apparently, according to the followup story, I'm not alone. . .

    Other teachers are planning to quit by May 5th at that Kansas High School, upset that their teaching is so easily corrupted, including the assistant principal.

    Parents and teachers upset at the board are strongly suggesting the superintendant 'resign' their position.

    Kansas SU college professors and all 12 deans delivered a lecture to the board stating , "we will expect Piper students ... to buy into (the university's honor code) as part of our culture."

    but the best thing in all this is the other students in the disrtict.

    "At out-of-town basketball games last month, Piper High students were greeted with a sign that read "plagiarists," and a few students wore T-shirts that called them cheaters, Sigwing said. Some complain crowds at games have chanted "Cheaters! Cheaters!"

    How unfortunate that the entire rest of the student body must be made fun of because of the stupid decisions of stupid people who don't belong in the jobs they hold, and stupid parents who have too much ego to think that they're kids should be punished for cheating.
  • Long winded 2002-03-19 10:11:24 Its kinda hard to be long winded in a review without a jog dial and the video right in front of me. . .

    I'm still handing out reviews to the friends I promised, and man. . .I never realised how manyu @$^%^ videos everyone did. I fee lazy now. . .

    I'll just go look at my Subaru WRX pictures. . . 
  • tech head annoyance 2002-03-19 07:52:59 now, i love talking tech toys as much as the next guy/geek, but i have problems with tech heads that decide every time their field of science comes up that they have to qualify themselves by trying to talk over your head. . .

    I had that happen over the weekend when i was listing specs for my video editing computer. . .

    800mhz t-bird
    1 gig ram
    10/100 card
    dvd rom
    40 gig 7200
    SB live (ugh)

    but when i explained the ram and cpu speed, the guy just tsked at me, 'what a waste of ram. . .'

    This is where i get peeved. Now i can agree that having a faster chip is nice, and can shorten rendering times, but actual work time is dependant on data streaming in the pc, wether playing back, rendering, or capture/writing to a disk. Having the widest possible bottle neck is most important to large scale multimedia editing that i do.

    But the tone he gave me was, 'this sorry fool has no idea what he's doing, he's only running 800mhz.' Like my life was somehow being tarnished by the use of this computer. That he was enlightened to the virtue of the XP athlon and overclocking, and i was not!

  • Post Staff Meeting 2002-03-17 21:45:36 Kinda slow turnout for the first meeting, as is usual. The last one before the con is usually hectic and crowded.

    me and director matt went over the room for the VAT. Same room, roughly same configuration, except there will be a new platform for panelists to the side of the projector.

    sound hopefully to be upgraded by a couple of subwoofers too. 
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