JOURNAL: DreamWater (Dominique Martinez)

  • SCORE!!! 2001-10-25 04:45:24 FINALLY!! My AMV's can be put up for public DL! WHOO!! :D Thing is..It's all throu FTP sruff...Umm...i've NO WHERE to even begin to learn to understand it.^_^;;

    Better then naught though, I've spent a lot of time DLing a bunch of anime clips of STar Ocean EX clips...^_^ i think I have enough to make a few AMV's.^_^ And I'm gettgin the first three Eps.! who! Dais flac..yummy Yummy eat 'em up! *.*

    Now..what music to use..that is a problem..*taps her lips* 
  • celebration 2001-10-18 15:28:58 Heh! i'm FINALLY gettign Premier!! WHooHOoo!! Now...I just have to gtaher up all my anime and place them with music! ^_^ That's easy enough! :D I just wish I had more CD's with words in them, rather then all my Celtic instrumenals. >.>

    I've still yet to find a hosting page for my AMV's sadly. True true, I'm just a beginner, but everyone has to start somewhere, right? I just hope I dun get made fun of for the little mistakes I make..:P Windows Movie Maker is very limited..I just hope I can do better with premeir then I'm doing now.:P 
  • Aggrivation! 2001-10-03 12:38:29 High Ones!!! I've been on a mad AMV craze, making things left and right, but yet, I've no place to host theses vids!>.< It's so nerve wraking, to have a bunch of stuff one wishes to show, and, puckernuts to it all!, I've no way to do it! >.<
Current server time: Jan 09, 2025 12:35:24