JOURNAL: -MD (Willie )

  • Spring break and school 2012-03-09 20:17:59 FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

    I'm in calculus II and I'm finally caving in and going to take trig this summer probably.....THEY ARE LYING IF THEY SAY YOU CAN SKIP TRIG AND TAKE CALC. And after my summer of trig my Fall of hell comes.....the chances of jumping of a cliff increase 10x:
    1. Physics/calc based: I heard bad things......and the book is thicker than kim kardashian's backside......and that shit is thick *nods* 。◕‿◕。

    2. Calc III, supposedly easier than 1 & 2...1 was pretty easy....2 is a bitch.

    3. Organic Chemistry: I'm a chemistry major and I have no problem with this....but I will save my complaining for Physical Chemistry...

    4. History of chemistry: AWWWWW YEAH. The good shit. It on materials, history, ages, etc.

    Basically, if I survive Fall semester....I'm set.

    BTW.....Spring break is next week, so expect my video sometime next week or early the following week.  
  • Sometimes.... 2012-02-21 19:58:01 Sometimes I think about things and look back to past....and I find myself saying things like:

    If only I did ____, I'd be this or I'd have that or things would be the same.

    Shortly after those thoughts kick in....I realized that I made a video about that (wasn't a pretty ending). And how the hell would I know the outcomes would be better or more desirable if I took another action......I'd possibly even miss out on things that I enjoy now as things are?

    I don't know.....those thoughts kick in sometimes....not often....but sometimes. There is always a future (well not always)....and I can find ways to make amends...not out of duty...because forcing me to do anything is impossible....just ask the AMP member LOL.....Sorry....just had to type to the internetz org day is March 23? I think that would mean I've been lazy for almost 5 years....I'll have something ready for announcement forums in March (2012 for those who want to make jokes).....I have a lot of amv ideas. I very sorry that it took me almost 5 years to finish a full vid....and Godix would say, "Why not spare a few more years and we can only hope the world truly does end this year."

    ......Godix actually said something like that once........
  • Good lord.... 2012-02-14 20:16:53 I have mad gas right now.... 
  • ........ 2012-01-25 00:44:42 2nd TB Hard drive died...........and it took all of my videos with it..............................

  • Just thought this was funny lol 2012-01-13 22:47:05

    Old video but it reminds me of when I'm walking to a store in a parking lot and people suddenly lock there car doors while they're inside. Or when I'm working at the grocery store and when I'm stocking stuff, mid age to older "ladies" will see me walk by and suddenly they will put their purse around their arms as opposed to sitting in the cart they had it in for minutes before I happened to walk by lol I could go on XD I do find it amusing and at times it is kind of sad.....ehh nothing is perfect :P

    As for the video.....Mon, Tues, Wed....Or Fri, Sat, or Sunday of next week...gotta go through the beta stages and such...I'm in no rush :D (I'm known for that).....So next Journal entry I make will be the real deal :|  
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