Running off at the mouth
2009-08-18 12:52:03
I had a few ideas that are fleeing my mind as I speak, so I'll use my journal here as a notepad. "You Never Let Go" by David Crowder Band
"Love Story" by Taylor Swift
"Stand My Ground" by Within Temptation
"Boom Boom Pow" by BEP
"As Long As You Love Me" and "I Want It That Way" by BSB
"I Want You Back" by Nsync
and "Gotta Be Somebody" by Nickleback.
Format Change
2009-08-07 23:31:18
I've tried avi, I've done mp4's, but I think we'll be going back to my old standby. Divx gives better resolution, even after encryption. Hopefully I can put some of my favorites up in that format.
A note on Eluluu's Lullaby
2009-07-06 21:26:27
Just put this up 'cause it was rattling in my head for too long. Now I wish I knew how it sounded from the perspective of someone who fluently spoke Japanese.
If anyone actually reads these, look that one up at let me know... This one has some personal meaning to me and another studio member.
Still talking... even if no one else listens
2009-07-01 03:01:25
Ever have a day where you like the anonymity of a moniker, but later wish someone actually was looking? Some days I get like that.
On the brighter side, BAM!! Since last posting, we've had at least 5 videos posted. Granted, 4 were commercials, but that's a record. Even just starting out, I don't think I've cranked out so many onto the site in one time period. It's too bad we're taking a forced hiatus. Not too long, I hope, as I finally have an AMV prepped that's been sitting on the back burner for 3 years. And one that will claw it's way out my frontal lobe in about 2 months, come what may.
I got "Ghost in the Doll" out, which was our selected JoCo song. A change of pace, as we've never done anything truly aimed toward scary. I'll admit here that while I ambiguously use "we" and "us," this one I handled personally, and I like how it turned out. I'll probably look at it next year and want to fix some minor effects I'll have learned by then, but now it looks good, and I can say I did pretty darn good, if that's not too immodest.
I ran these past a visiting friend yesterday, and she told me her husband was watching them and bemoaning that he wanted to make AMV's too.
That's a comment almost as good as "This made me want to watch the anime again." Maybe I'll have him shoot me his ideas if I run out and he decides not to take the plunge.
A new direction
2009-05-29 22:29:06
So I post this stuff on YouTube... y'know... "for the kids." (Don't look at me like that! We all know they start somewhere.) Of the 22 videos I helped make in some form or another, they're all on youtube under, again, 1 account. (Yes, you can only find 20 here. This is not a typo.) I shouldered the responsibility, so they're all my babies. But I digress.
Of those 22 AMV's on YouTube, 7 had been slapped for violating copyrights. We're all shocked, I'm sure. I expected Metallica in the back of my head, and I'm not too surprised by Within Temptation, either. But Daniel fricking Powter?! I'm only slightly relieved that half of the videos marked got disabled. (Seriously though... if I own the song and anime, I see no violations. It's no worse than playing the song in a crowded park to me.)
This was one of the reasons I pushed for Raymond and Scum's "Does This Make Me Gay." As the creator had me put write, and I agree, we DID want this song as an AMV. We aired it at a budding group of local AMV enthusiasts, and they loved it. But it also was from a couple of guys who operate under Creative Commons License with some material. (For those unfamiliar with the CCL, it reads in layman to "Free download + Free use (unless you charge people for it)" and ends for us with "= AMVer's dream." Personally, I get squeamish about this one's careless euphemisms, especially since I don't want kids getting the wrong info too early. (Call me the Nazi of MoMzMaC. I try and censor our videos so my nephew can watch it too.) But that's off topic.
Why I post this is following the airing of what we call the "Yaoi" song, a notable singer/songwriter in folk community told me about Jonathan Coulton, or more specifically, his site. Now, finding it wasn't hard, (the guy who found Raymond and Scum had a page that linked to it, I think.) We saw the CCL, and started surfing for new ideas.
And it didn't take long. I think our 5-6 song made us all stop and cheer. Maybe I'll start talking more to resident filkers and see what they think. This is good stuff.
Again, the post looks like I ran longer than I wanted to. Then again, I don't post much. Next posting hopefully with a new song.
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