JOURNAL: MorningBelles (Faith "Luz-chan" White)

  • Re-Uploads 2006-08-22 20:09:33 *sigh* Somebody on YouTube has brought this to my attention. They were having problems viewing "My Only Destiny," even though I left a note about that in most of my amvs.

    Proves to show you that most people just don't read the damn video profiles; instead, they go straight to the download page. Which is why I plan to write out a list of the AMVs (pre-2005) that don't work, download them, change the extension, and upload them again. No more bitching about it, okay? 
  • CD Remake 2006-08-17 09:44:28 The remake of Cherish Destiny is officially up locally.  
  • 'Magial Firefly' 2006-08-17 07:17:08 After downloading the amv and listening to the horrible quality, I've decided to remake it, along with "DiGi Candy Star." 
  • AMVs on YouTube 2006-08-17 07:02:04 A list of amvs that are on YouTube but not on my channel:

    Cherish Destiny
    Halcyon (only under 'Anime Mix - Halcyon')
    Naruto Drive
    I LUV U

    That's all I can find. Left a few comments for the ones who uploaded them on their channels.  
  • Remakes 2006-08-16 12:48:07 You may notice that I only made one AMV thus far this year. Well, I'm taking the time to actually remake some of my older amvs, since I have better DVD-quality footage. However, I might not remake "Halcyon" until a year or two later. By that time, I could add some other anime to it, like Naruto and Yami no Matsuei. I've already remade "Cherish Destiny" and will do "Maron's Resolution" later.  
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:32:41