MorningBelles (Faith "Luz-chan" White)
2005-05-19 15:42:07
*sigh* I'm making a short amv to "take a break" from "Ever After." Honestly, I need a break---by making a short amv using a DDR song. That way, I don't have to worry too much about the order of my footage. It's going to feature various anime, and that's it.
Progress, pt. 3
2005-05-13 12:35:30
I've decided to use letterboxes after all (I need to cover the time up), but I'm still using Photoshop for some scenes where the letterboxes didn't cover the subtitles up all the way.
Progress, Pt. 2
2005-05-10 16:17:12
Well, I already got the amv made. Now for the fun part: editing the subtitles in Photoshop. Not exactly what I want to do (loads of fun *rolls eyes around*), but I don't feel like using letterboxes, either. Fornutely, some of the footage doesn't require editing. For those that do have subtitles, howver, watch out! Here I come with the Paintbrush!
2005-05-10 11:33:07
I'm happy to say that I'm making some real progress on Full Moon wo Sagashite's "Ever After" featuring Mitsuki and Takuto. I'm halfway done, and I didn't come up with the title for it until last night, when I was watching "Princess Dairies."
In addition, I plan to premiere at least one or two amv every month.
A Decision
2005-05-04 07:01:35
It was the hardest decision that I have to make concerning AMVs, but I've decided not to send any amvs to AMA or Otakon, due to numerous school projects. However, I do plan to premiere my Chobits amv either before or after Otakon. Maybe before, so people can see it.
Current server time: Jan 19, 2025 04:04:49