MorningBelles (Faith "Luz-chan" White)
The unexpected Yet Again...
2004-12-07 06:30:00
My external hard drive crashed, deleting all my hard work, including the Chobits amv that I was currently working on, and a remake of "Catch Me if You Can." Well, might as well wait for my drive to come back so I can start all over again. I'm not worry, though; I've remembered all the scenes and transitions (I wrote them down, and made an audio note of it), plus I kinda wanted to redo "Catch Me," anyway.
A new amv...
2004-12-01 16:09:59
I'm currently working on yet another amv. I might dedicate this amv to yamilime and my real-life friends or something, like a Christmas gift or something.
Good News...
2004-11-29 08:53:47
I'm back, and with a vengence!...Not really. I'm almost all better, but my mind is working overtime with amv ideas. Now, to get yamilime-chan to help me...
The Unexpected...
2004-11-19 11:48:16
I've injured myself, and won't be able to work on my amvs for awhile. Details: (for some reason, I couldn't go to LiveJournal, so...)
2004-11-18 19:21:33
I know I said that I'm doing a "special" project involving Movie Maker, but that's for home-time, during the weekend when my roommates go home, and I have nothing else to do. In the meantime, I'm busy "remaking" another amv, "Catch Me if You Can." It's taking awhile, though, because I don't remember exactly which scene goes where, but I'm trying my best. All I know is, Tamahome will say, "...if you can" at the end. Not only that, but I also need to edit the giggle out at the end...
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:13:34