JOURNAL: MorningBelles (Faith "Luz-chan" White)

  • I'm Standing in a Timeless Stream... 2008-05-09 11:24:43 10 points if you get the reference...

    On another note, I don't recall the last time I have made a various AMV...maybe it was 2 years ago...or was it 3...? I have no idea, but I'm aiming at making one, along with a time limit of at least 2 weeks. 2 weeks of ripping footage/audio and deciding which song goes with what. Good thing I'm keeping a list of it in my notebook, along with episode reference... 
  • Go with a Smile... 2008-04-23 08:00:40 It's been awhile since I've watched Batman the Movie (the one with Michael Keaton, mind you, not the cheesy 60's one with Adam West). I have been job-searching like crazy, and even went to one interview, but nothing looks promising at the moment. Guess I'll try exotic dancing or bartending... 
  • Officially Graduated from College! 2008-03-29 11:56:10 ...Sort of. Did well at my portfolio review last week (even won Best Portfolio for my major), and now I'm just...bored out of my mind. Then again, I have to go places like the public library just to check my email. No privacy at my house whatsoever... 
  • Futari Ecchi 2008-02-27 11:51:41 I'm so happy that I've brought the first volume, and it didn't disappoint me at all. Of course, my "brother" happened to have the fansub before the purchase, so I watched it with him. Often times I wonder if they would put an English dub that would make or break it. After watching the DVD about 3-4 times (it was just so amusing at times), I'm hoping to buy the second volume real soon... 
  • V-day 2008-02-14 10:57:12 Once again, Valentine's Day is upon us (torture to those who are single, like myself). However, I chose to ignore it by keeping myself preoccupied, mainly through use of homework and Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan.  
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