JOURNAL: MorningBelles (Faith "Luz-chan" White)

  • Yami Lime 2004-02-03 18:07:20 It turns out that Lime-chan is Yami Lime (cute name, I think), and even though I haven't seen her video yet, I'm aching to see it. We'll show each other our videos. 
  • New AMV 2004-01-29 15:46:50 I've just added "Catch Me if You Can" yesterday, and I've already gotten over 160 hits! *cheers* In addition, one of my best friends, Lime-chan, has joined! Although I don't know what her AMV name is---yet, she's getting to show everybody her amvs. In fact, we kinda work together. 
  • Anime Freckles 2004-01-09 11:18:51 Finally! Anime Freckles is back online for all to see, and I'll try to upload 2 more amvs over the weekend. Try to, anyway. 
  • Birthday Gift 2004-01-06 11:14:35 Yesterday was my 18th birthday *cheers*, and I'm making a new amv. Not only that, but I'm premiering "Magical Firefly" for the first time ever locally. And---if it's possible---get "Anime Freckles" up again. 
  • The New Year 2004-01-03 12:45:15 Whew! I started the new year off right! *cheers* I finally know how to use Cute FTP, and I got "I LUV U" on it. Now all I need to do is get the rest on it. Maybe later today or something (of course, it'll take a while to upload "Halcyon" because it's on my laptop, and I can't download programs onto it, so I have to use the public library computers...) 
Current server time: Jan 22, 2025 02:55:23