JOURNAL: WiccanBattleCat (Crystal Rose)

  • >_< 2003-08-10 04:55:49 My Furry Board is going to hell. Why are so many fur's so fuckin angsty. Hell, kill yourself and get it over with or shut the fuck up because I'm tired of listening to your god damn whining.

    Also, What's up with this California Governor Recall. I live in Cali, I live in Norwalk where Arnold and the other candidates filed their paperwork. Actually, the office where all the hubbub was going on is just three blocks away from my house. What in the hell. There's a recall and suddenly everyone want's to run for governor. I mean, it's like ppl think Governor Recall Election=Free for All. I swear, I love Cali, but I've about had it with this bullshit.

    Ya know, they really should put some Photoshop tools in Premiere. Like wouldn't it be nice if you could use brush, smudge, eraser and text right on yer timeline, without having to export as a bitmap series, edit the frames, and then import again and line um all up. I know Photoshop tools in Premiere would be damn conveinent for me.  
  • O_O 2003-08-09 07:23:48 I scrapped the Utena Project, I'll probably go back to it later, but for now I'm working on an Animatrix vid. Hopefully it'll come out looking good, then maybe I'll be ready to tackle Utena again.

    Anywho, I've just been working on my Furry art and yeah.

    Also, YAY, my lil bro (a.k.a devilmaykickass) won some kinda contest with his Cowboy Bebop vid entitled One's Life. I know I really loved his vid, I'm glad he's getting some recognition for it.  
  • Another Day, Another Disaster 2003-07-26 05:12:42 Oui, I spent 5 hours working on my current project(Utena/SavageGarden AMV) Well after alot of hard work and finally getting all the clips in the first sixty seconds to sync right, after getting everything to fall into place perfectly, after I was finally getting close to seeing my creation come to life..BAM! <Premiere has caused an error in blah blah blah, Premiere will now close> NOOOOOOO!!!! I hadn't saved!!! Ahhhh, the pain, the torment! Five hours of my life wasted. *sheds a tear* Why oh why did I ever switch to 6.5? I never had a single problem with 6.0. Oh well, after this horrifying experience I decided I'd head down to the local theatre. What shall I see? Tomb Raider. Yes, Ms, Jolie's jigglies will surely cheer me up! Wrong. I was never so bored in my life. Anywho, looks like I'll sit down, write an angry review and maybe download some amv's. But wait! It appears somethings wrong with my net, everything is running at a snails pace. I try and download something and I'm getting 1kbs. To hell with it all! I think I'll go hide under a rock somewhere and wait for this horrible luck to pass me by. Joy. 
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