chutsupsei (ayu mai)
screw this
2004-08-21 13:58:53
privating every post is taking too much outta me. I'm jes gonna leave this, and one day look back and laugh.
2003-10-31 16:59:08
I tried posting 4 times, of comments into Errols live journal... none of them worked...
I feel all depressy... I have nothing more to say.. I feel as though god were mocking me.. or maybe.. it is meant to be that none of my words should be heard...
maybe silence.. is the key to everything...
... yes I only know what I am told.. but if there were silence... thus there would be nothing more heard... and no more misconception.. no more wrong opinions.. no more wrong phrases... everything would be perfect again..
solitude.. eternal..
2003-10-28 19:46:06
happie dance!!~~~ I did so well in english~!!! now I gonna work my ass off on my porfolio for Career studies~!~~
2003-10-21 17:52:27
Don't give up insanekeyblader!! Even if the world lets you go.. even when you feel alone and feel like dying!! Remember no matter what others think you are YOU know what you are! You're more than what they think! You're not an attention whore!! You're just having ur depressed time.. Everyone goes through it at some point!! You'll be fine!! C'mon even if you do go into your shell.. you still have yourself. I know it may seem useless.. But I realized this.. that no matter how alone I am.. I've got myself.
People actually are all alone with themselves.. sometimes we may wish that we had someone to hold onto and make us feel warm and secure.. But in order for that to happen.. You gotta be able to stand up and exist for yourself! You have to be able to love yourself before others can love you!! C'mon Emily get stronger! I'm sure you're a person which can exist for themselves.. Because once you do.. others will naturally exist for and with you.
Lookie mee~! I did it and Errol popped outta nowhere!! He loves mee I love him.. but most of all.. I'm able to love myself now!! Could you at least try to learn to love yourself... because I can see the fact that you're holding back your tears.. shows that you're existing for yourself slowly.. you care about what others see you as and you care about not letting others see you cry because you don't want them to worry.
But remember one cries when they have to. So don't hold those tears back.. it hurts too much sometimes.. and don't cry because you're alone..
because you're not! You've got yourself.. and if you ever need someone to talks to.. just yell at even if you need it! I'm here! I may be a complete stranger to you.. but aren't u to me also?
It doesn't matter sometimes.. we just need someone to yell at! Stop being so sardonic yelling at your wall.. Sometimes we just want someone to yell at instead.. I'll be here for you to yell at if you needs it! :)
2003-10-17 11:43:45
me so tired since this morning.. arggh.. I want my pillow so badly..
So tired.. Errol ish my usual pillow.. woofles..
yesterday Clem was being very depressed and same with the other day too!! So I sent him this Maaya Sakamoto song.. odd enough the words in it that repeat the most cuz its in the chorus is "when love is not enough nothing matters! Who knows where to go when love is not enough! When love is not enough nothing mattersss" So since I got it stuck in my head tha lil chorusy I put it into my screen name (kawamura kumi~when love is not enough, nothing matters"
woofles anyway.. me thinks that Errol went online for a bit cuz Nnjsword said eh lookie Ki's online.. well something like that right before he left... So Errol did u assume that was directed at you? My screen name??
aiyaa... d00d it was kinda directed at Clem and myself.. woofles.. stop misinterpreting my wordss it makes me feels teh baadsss
rawrr.. I likes teh shinies.. but a certain kind of shiny.. it has to be not clear like glass shiny and not opaque like marble table shiny.. :3
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 22:18:32