chutsupsei (ayu mai)
OMG >_<
2003-08-25 16:08:42
My mom took me to the doctors to get a needle today. But because of the blackout all the injection fluids went bad. So I ended up going to some place to get blood drawn from me >___<!!
It's like instead of getting something injected into a vien I'm getting blood drawn out of it.
Gaaaah and I can't even go watering because they told me I can't carry heavy things for a while.
I hate seeing tha doctor Choi ever since I was lil because they did the same thing in gr 6. O__O instead of getting needle I got needle that drew blood out...
eeeew yuckies!! 2 vials of blood!! ... mom says she does it every year and its at least 4-5 vials so what am I complaining for...
random facts
2003-08-25 07:37:25
quote clam:Yup, I'm evil when it comes to racing... especially when it comes to turning love birds in to road kill.
end quote of clam
hey!! did u know that when one love bird dies, it's mate gives up on living to join it.
I learned that from Tidus he was talking about his parents...
shaddup.. minee...*sees yuna with twin bee pistols* Oh YAH?! *summons all cactuar of spira to vanquish Yuna*
*steals Yuna's dress sphere and twin bee pistols*
I'm pretty ^-^...... evool that ish fuu fuu fuuuu
2003-08-25 07:33:53
ro ur disgusting!... go marry June if u like him so much! Damn I knew you were gay!
hey Nnjsword!! me kicked a wall before and left my foot imprint. it was fixable too.. we put poster over it ^-^
hmm me gonna get a needle in a lil bit.. I think I will make myself believe I am happy. Yes that should do for the day.
Pain is.. good for the soul after all.^-^
2003-08-24 16:18:02
quote clem:Well, I wanted to post this before, but I never had the time.
I tolerate your lies because I tolerate YOU.
I didn't care when you left just because things had gone a lil wrong.
I didn't mind your inconsideration for others.
I still tried to help you when times were hard.
But then again, I only thought I knew you.
You do NOT want to hear about happy things that occurred to others.
You want everyone to listen to you, but ignore their inputs.
Are you really this selfish?
I thought I knew you.
But you can't always have what you want, can you? end quote of clam
yaaaaay someone hates mee!!!! hmm... I'm not allowed to be human can I? haha. Sometimes people hear what they want to hear. It is very wrong but hey! IF me having fun at CN anime why can't i believe that everyone else is still having fun whereever they are? Is that so wrong? And omg I'm selfish sometimes! Aren't we all? I mean you can hate me all you want for being unable to find Fred Gallagher cuz I arrived there around when everyone was being let into the panel. But remember I was like last in line waiting to get into the thing!! DO U KNOW HOW LONG THAT TOOK?! So I lied about being late by 2 mins for the panel. NO they were already damn going in and by the time i got my ticket thing i ran there and guess what?! THIS DAMNED GUY WAS SITTING THERE SAYING I CAn'T GO iN!! SOme shyte about max occupancy met... -_____-
So then we have to go walk like so damn long .. t he same length I had to go to get to the end of the line to another end of the line to go upstairs to the dealer room. So after a long while of standing... I got in!! But as me and Inna walked about.. guess what.. HALF the dealer room was... STAR TREK annnnnnnnnnnd LOTR stuff.. gaaaah I was so damn pissed! and ps2 crap only took up this corner! ;_____;
but when I say corner I mean the size of my schools cafeteria.. which is like elementary gym X2... yes the room was that big. Now try walking through all the crowds and wondering why none of the Tidus cosplayers had blond hair and why there were no Shuin cosplayers and why there were no Lenne cosplayers and why there were no Tidus cosplayers that were actually hot and had the T chain. And damn why was there only 2 Rikku cosplayers? Aww and the ffx2 rikku is like.. 12 andd.. welp.. it was wrong since.. she was missing the rikku necklace available on ebay/squareenix japan site as memorabilia.
gaaah and none of the yuna cosplayers had MY necklace! MY necklace is the official squaresoft necklace! and damn was I mad when I noticed that. *maaaad* is dah mei!!
welp anyway when I went to the NW corner of the room where the artist alley as they called it was.. me was very surprised to see that half of the artists were not doing anime style. ^-^ They had thier own. I was happy. No I'm not crazy I just have respect for those that have thier own sense of style for drawing!! Like tattoo art, marvel type comiccy art, and even oil type paintings... prettifool abstractiness :3
moo as for the anime artists.. moo I finally understand the use of a blue pencil... now I must.. attains pack ranging from lead sizes. Either that or see if Stadlter has those more thicker lead pencils still available for sale and get blue lead. No I'm not a silly obsessed with stationary bitch. I jes love stationary and know what brands to get that would satisfy my needs.
NO I'm not much of an artist...... cuz I'm leaning towards the sellout with cuteness sd characters to get hundreds of fangurls to like my comiccy side... instead of teh normal sized along with many bishies side to make gurls come reads my comic. I can't do that since most of my characters are girls. O__o
Eh well.. when I finally get around to it.. me comiccy will begin.. ph0r I gots teh pens and teh cards for teh stores to get teh pens. I'ma happie nekomaogurl yesh eye am. =^-^=
2003-08-23 22:37:32
I didn't meet Fred Gallagher.. *sniffles* and I was 2 mins late for panel.. *sniffles*
but other than that I of course spent at least the usual 200 bux on randome things!
I even got a raffle ticket.
bunny plushie..
mmmmm ^-^
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:48:46