JOURNAL: anime_junkie (Kathleen )

  • Yay! 2003-08-04 17:53:45 I bought the new issue of newtype mag for August a couple of days ago. The DVD sucked, but I'm not very into big robots, so it could have been just me. The posters are cool though. I've gotten to really like Full Metal Panic from reading Newtype. In fact, I was just downloading some FMP! AMVs (it took forever. stupid slow computer >_<!) and the stupid computer froze on me! so I had to reboot just as one was finishing!

    ANYWAY! I THINK I have a plan. EITHER! I will get Premire, OR I will get some cheap or possibly free format-changing software and download chibi_aisha's magix movie maker. Yes. That sounds like a good plan. If anyone knows of some cheap or possibly free format changing software. Please e-mail me. Thank you  
  • PEACH GIRL! 2003-07-26 20:54:58 Alright! There's GOT to be Peach Girl DVD's SOMEWHERE.... right? If I can get a peach girl DVD and some DVD ripping stuff, I will have...THE FIRST.....Peach Girl AMV. Hey, If I had ripping equipment I could make a lot of amvs no one saw before. Alien nine, king of bandit Jing, KO Century beast... So my challenge for this week will be to find Peach Girl DVDs and cheap DVD ripping stuff.

    This should be easy considering we had to cancel the annual bike trip this year b/c my dads $600 bike was stolen off the back of our car. Does anyone live near or will be visiting Niagra On The Lake? DO NOT bring your bikes. We parked our car ona BUSY STREET, in BROAD DAY LIGHT and they cut the metal cable and took the bike. WHY did nobody stop them?! HOW could someone have missed that?! the police officer said it was the 3rd stolen bike that week. ARE YOU PEOPLE BLIND?! Gomen, I'm a little peeved. I won't be getting my dark tan and natural highlights this year I guess... 
  • WAAAAAAHH! 2003-07-21 12:51:39 KAMI-SAMA! Has anyone tried to run a search for inu yasha clips on Yahoo!? All these porn sites came up! That didn't happen a couple months ago, where did all these sites COME from?! When did it get SOOO complicated to find inu yasha clips? I can't even find CCS clips any more! I never wanted to make a DBZ amv (there's sooo many out there) but it looks like that's what I'm gonna have to do. Almost ALL my clips are DBZ. Maybe I'll get lucky and find more sailor moon clips. There's lots of those. ARG! I WANT CLIPS OF YUE!! HE'S SOOO COOL! WHY ARE THERE NONE?! 
  • 2003-07-15 11:37:21 Ok, this is REALLY bothering me. I need the Chobits opening, but I need it in one of the fallowing formats: .avi, .mov, .mpg, mpeg or .mpe and I can't find it. ARG! This is sooo frustrating! I REALLY need Kazza Lite. Maybe I should settle for some format-changing software. Anybody know some good cheap ones? 
  • 2003-07-10 10:41:22 I just noticed how hard it is to find clips for insignificate (sp?) anime. Has anyone ever heard of "King of Bandit Jing"? Awsome anime. Not so good manga. Or "KO Century Beast"? How about "Alien Nine"? All great animes no clips on the net that I can find. I REALLY need to get whatever you need to rip DVDs. Does anyone know where to get "Love Hina" clips or CCS clips? I'd settle for chobits clips.... 
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