JOURNAL: Kuchiro (Caitlin )

  • Post-Ohayocon Insanity 2004-01-25 19:52:44 (I think post refers to afterwards, but I'm not sure and I'm too lazy to find out, so just go with me here.)

    OHAYOCON fun! Ohayocon VERY fun! Kuchiro has officially sold her soul! (for a chibified picture of herself, no less. Bad Kuchiro-chan!)
    My feet hurt from all that walking around, but no matter. It was my first 'con, and I had an absolutely FABULOUS time! ^_^ I don't think I knew that much Anime merchandise existed, but now that I do, I'm bringing more money next year. ^_^ I've also officially decided that one of my friends HAS to get an artist's table in her senior year (you have two more years, Chi-chan, then I'll get you!). I've also decided I'm going to cosplay next year. Most of my time was spent going up to random strangers and asking them to pose for me. Next year I want to be the pose-ee!

  • I'm bored 2003-08-03 00:13:18 I'm bored. if you read the title of this entry already, you know that. if you read the first sentence of this entry, you know that. if you speak english, you know that.
    I would put down more, but I ran out of reasons for you to know that. so, I shall share with you my boredom. are we having fun yet? i'm bored. but i told you that already. you know that. because i told you that.
    wow, i'm going in circles with my monolouge. that can't be good. its a sure sign you're bored when you start talking in circles. and since i am, i must be bored. but i told you already. you know that. so i shouldn't have to give reasons for you to believe that i'm bored. i shouldn't have to prove that i'm bored. i already told you i'm bored. you already know that. so why am i telling you again? i don't know. if i knew, i'd tell you. but i don't, so i can't tell you.
    didn't i already tell you that?
    oh, boy. i'm going in circles again. i think. it could be a square. its a sure sign you're bored when you can't tell the difference. and since i obviously can't tell the difference (since I'm beginning to disagree with myself and think its a triangle), i must be bored.

    but you already know that, 'cause i told you.

    I am finding it hard to believe that i have written so much, and said so little. i have really told you absolutely nothing within the last few minutes except that i'm bored. which you already know, 'cause i told you already. and so i go on again, talking in circles.

    or was it squares? no, I'm sure it was octogons.

    i must be bored. how could i ramble on for so long saying nothing if i wasn't bored? i couldn't. if i wasn't bored, i'd have other things on my mind, and therefore more to say. but i don't. i have nothing better to do with my time other than convince you unnecessarily that i'm bored. which you already know, 'cause i told you in the first sentence of this monologue.

    so why am i repeating myself?

    I don't know.

    maybe i'm bored.

  • Port Royal Rocks!! 2003-07-30 21:51:47 Checked out a book on Port Royal yesterday from the library, and, guess what, Port Royal is SOOOOO coool! ^_^ It used to be called "the wickedest city in the world" because it basically consisted of taverns, brothels a few shops and the locals. The term privateer was for pirates who signed a contract with England (who ran the island at the time) and would raid Spanish ships and bring back the loot to Port Royal, giving up 10% and keeping the rest. True pirates were the men who signed no such agreement and pillaged ships of every nationality, regardless. However, on July 7 1692, a giant earthquake sank half the island!

    You probably don't care, but I'm going at this book like a bookworm, it's such a great read! *huggles book*

    I actually got to fence last class!! It takes a LOT of concentration and watching your opponent, ane you have to be aggressive while still keeping a good defense. It's extremely hard, but I am soooo loving it!! ^_^

    I want a foil (fencing sword) for myself!!

  • I got the soundtrack!! 2003-07-23 11:58:15 I got the soundtrack for Pirates of the Caribbean! Sheesh, for all that the critics thought it sucked, it is going to pull in so much cash from sales and the box offices that it won't be funny. (Well, maybe it will be.) I am listening to the soundtrack right now, and have been doing so non-stop since I got the thing yesterday. Yes, I am obsessed and have a well thought-out plan to transport myself magically into the movie. (I do not have sadistic tendencies, but if anyone disputes this I shall have to kill them.)

    My fencing classes are going awesomely (if that's even a word). I saw "Pirates of the Caribbean" AGAIN, and now I am convinced the only real career is to get a crew, steal a ship and spend the rest of my life as a pirate pillaging the tropical parts of the seven seas. (I'd prefer to stay where its warmer.)

    Yeah, well, I'm insane. You have no idea how hard it is to stay one step ahead of those guys in the white coats and avoid getting caught.

  • another day, another... day. 2003-07-13 23:03:47 As I have not recieved my paycheck yet, the dollar thing wouldn't have been right to say, so I replaced it with something totally me.
    Today my friend and I began fencing lessons. Yea! With summer school done, this will keep me from going insanely bored, like my sister. Luckily for her, the second session of summer school begins tomorrow, which she will be attending!! Lucky little sister!! ^ ^ I propably should stop obsessing over the fencing and work on other stuff, like my Japanese and voice lessons (I'm kinda supposed to be practicing, and I have a lot of catching up to do before tomorrow's lesson. *sweatdrop*
    Not much else. On an AMV related topic, I just began ANOTHER video, but I may have to wipe it along with my harddrive since it's all filled up and making my comp run slow again. -_-
    What fine timing it has. *sigh* I'll go for a drive and run over some pedestrians tomorrow and blame it on the cheese, that'll make me feel better.

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