JOURNAL: Nurd (Zach Wilkes)

  • :) 2003-09-23 07:09:50 Well all is not as bad as I thought it seems. Recent changes seem scary, but I see now that everything is going to work out fine. I was a fool to worry before especially when I have nothing to worry about.

    It's kind of a shame that so much is going to be gone through to bring things full circle. But in the end we are stronger now and growing, and will continue to grow regardless of other things that are happening in the foreground.

    Life is good, and to quote one of my old 80's favorites:

    "The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades."

  • Double Bah 2003-09-15 15:03:27 Well my CD's are in the shed and I dont know where, so I'll have to find another way to get that song. I may grab it off of a fileshare thingy for now to get started and switch to a higher quality sound file once I find the CD.. Might be my best bet.

    Or if anyone out there has a copy of Drown: Hold on to the Hollow, give me a hollar, I need a song off of it :)

  • Bah, 2003-09-15 09:24:47 So the pain in my throat is getting better, I can go a good 12 hours sometimes with only one dose of the pain medicine, which is good. Alot of the times I only need it in the morning, after an entire night of sleeping with my mouth open has dried my throat completely, that's where the real pain is, the rest of the day I can keep it nice and moist with constant sips of water, juice, soda and the like. All is good there.

    I haven't had the presence of mind to work on either of my videos, Im starting to think of changing the song I'm using for one of them, firstly because it's just too long, secondly because I no longer like the way the song and anime line up. I've got another song in mind, I just have to find that CD so I can rip it properly. The other is just awaiting more footage. I've got plenty of DVD's for it now, I just have to take the time to go through and cut scenes from them.. Too many things on my mind right now to be able to concentrate. Maybe once I get healed up and get back to my job I'll be able to settle my head and get crackin.

    So much going on in life, so many horrible, horrible things going down. My absolute worst fears have come true. Perhaps a little video work will take my mind off for a bit, give me a moments escape and respite. We shall see.

  • The Paaaaaaaaaain 2003-09-10 18:21:17 So this morning I had my tonsils and Uvula removed. 27 years old and only just getting my tonsils out. I'll tell you this, it hurts like hell. Only 3 more hours until I can take another teaspoon of my pain medicine, and I should probably take another hit of my anti-biotics. If this helps cure me of my sleep apnea, though, it'll be worth all the while.

    Lessening the chance that I may die in my sleep is always a good thing. Also the possibility of returning my long lost memory, energy, and any sense of knowing what the hell is going on. (It's amazing how bad sleep apnea is eh? )

    I'll be a happy fuckin camper then. As soon as I get over the pain that is.. the PAAAAIIIINNNNN..

    Peace out,

  • CD 2003-08-18 15:20:59 By CD I, of course, mean DVD, from the store. My video needs more Boom, I still need violence jack, sputnik7 plays it for free, I wonder if that gives me rights to rip that shit for my vid. I'll ponder of the legal and moral ramifications later when I'm in a ripping mood. For now, though, it's back to ye' olde grindstone.

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