Nurd (Zach Wilkes)
Are you reeeeeEEEEAAAAADDDDYYYY?!?!?!? well I'm not, not yet, but soon.
2003-08-09 14:04:15
Alright started cutting mad clips for what I'm for some reason determined to call codename: "my next video" My Judgement Day pack of DVD's it turns out have nothing to do with the apocalypse, but I got a good range of clips from either one to do my best, I'm thinking of tinkering with scenes from anime that aren't exactly post apocalyptic and maybe editing some nasties in there. What I really need is some Zombies, man I'd kill for a zombie or two, or hell even shuffling post-nuclear mutants would be good at this point, maybe I can cap some blue gender destroyed city covered with plants and giant insects footage and just turn the brightness down a bit. Or hell, maybe I can splice some destruction into cowboy bebop random-city-footage. Still have lots of clips to go, but the brain is ever churning. The song, in case anyone was wondering is one of my favorite Metal songs, from Megadeaths So Far, So Good, So What CD. I'll leave it to you to determine which one. :)
Distorted figures walk the street it's 1999....
2003-08-06 14:37:23
So I bought these two DvD's at AFO4 this past weekend, and only just last night got around to opening them up, they were in one of those 2 for 1 packs that U.S. Manga is offering, these two being the "Judgement Day" pack, featuring Cybernetic Guardian, and Judge. So I open these up and to my horror, the CD's have been off the spindles for what looks to be ages, and the center inch or so of CD surface (not just the center part with the hole mind you) is scratched to HELL, so I call up the store who was running that booth (took me about an hour and a half to find their name by piecing together clues left by people leaving their personal reports on the con), so I call them up, and they are very nice, and very polite, but they will only replace the DvD's if they have problems playing. Grrrrrr, alright, so I put them in ye' olde DVD-ROM and lo-and-behold they both play just fine. So while I'm happy about the movies actually working, because driving to Melbourne doesn't sound like my idea of a fun day-trip, still these movies are scratched enough to cause me actual physical pain just to turn them over and look at what should be the unmarked silvery goodness of the DVD. I guess I shouldn't complain just so long as they rip well enough for me to edit them into my post-apocalyptic fantasy. Now I just need a copy of Violence Jack, and I think I'll be set for the whole video.
It's all paaaart, of my post-apocalyptic fantasy!
It's all paart of my post-apocalyptic dream!
2003-08-05 13:35:30
God! I hate not having enough footage, this damn video looks like I'm replaying the first half in a different order for the second half, GAH! Okies, I'm all better now, all I need to do now is get some more episodes of this Anime and all will be good, and while I'm waiting for that to arrive I'll work on my apocalyptic vision set to music with what i have of that genre, then I'm going to need more footage for that, damnit, what I need is a subscription service where I can pay to rent .VOB's for a while to cut footage, and then wipe them out, or maybe pay for a minute and a half of video that I might need here and there. On second thought that would probably be a bad idea, okay, then what I need is a VHS tape reader in the 3rd CD-ROM slot on my computer, not that it's big enough right now, but I have a hammer and a hacksaw somewhere, I can make it fit, I'll even buy an A/D converter card to play the thing, and I will use it to double as a tape backup for old cut footage to keep my HD clear but still keep the clippings just in case. But since neither of these is going to happen, I'll just wait on funds and shipping and netflix to all find a way to work in tandem to GO FORTH AND BRING ME MY ANIME!
Good... bad... I'm the guy with the Gundam
Damn Journal thing.
2003-08-04 13:57:06
Well I guess I'll lay down some crazy AMV thoughts in a public forum, mainly to pass some time. Spent the weekend at AFO4 (Anime Fest Orlando) had a good time, saw some good AMV's, some crazy people in costumes, and some guy playing Beatmania who's fingers moved with some sort of grotesque mixture of grace and twitch. The thing I got the most from though was the AMV contest, barring the sudden interruption from the cosplayers who wanted to be sure we knew that their skit was about Malta (100% pure concentrated evil in every bottle, ick) and that we didn't need alcohol to have a good time, it was a great experience. It was one of the few occasions I've had to sit and watch a whole bunch of AMV's in one sitting, and simultaneously see how people react to what said AMV contains. Each video I see, I feel is a learning experience for me, I see effects and transitions and ideas that really make me think, I love to sit and work out the "how did they do that?" factor. I saw some fantastic things, that although I wont use directly, will help me in working on my soon-to-be second AMV release, alot of effects that when broken down into their various individual pieces gave me some incredible ideas on beat matching and scene layering. I am unfortunate that unlike some of the extremely talented AMV masters around these parts, I am unable to easily watch a movie, or hear a song, and automatically place one with the other, my work is based entirely on lightning like flashes of inspiration caused by background processes in my brain churning through Anime and songs looking to match A with B. The problem this poses is that I end up with songs I want to use but no anime to match, interestingly enough the opposite rarely happens, I almost never have anime to use but no song to match, kinda kooky. So other than the one I'm currently working on, I have a bevy of ideas-in-waiting just looking for the right anime to show up to connect with it, as such I spent a good deal of time at AFO crawling over a dealer booth or two with a fine toothed comb looking for movies to fulfill a certain internal need, hopefully I've come up with something and my 3rd release will be forthcoming, but first I've got to finish up number 2, for which I'll probably have to netflix a couple DVD's for some scenes, and then Cinepaint some others so that they will fit in with my concept-du-video. All-in-all I also managed to come home from the con with some Pocky, a little memorabilia from one of my favorite webcomics, and some great memories. In the meantime, if you know of any good apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic anime, preferrably with nuclear fallout, hideous mutation, crumbled remains of mankinds golden age, things of that nature, please feel free to drop me a line. :)
Current server time: Jan 15, 2025 05:02:24