JOURNAL: InsaneWaya (Raymond Peterson)

  • New Beta 2012-01-10 14:58:29 Need some beta testers for a new video im working on, if your interested please pm me and ill send it your way, all help is appreciated. 
  • Weee....... 2011-12-05 15:30:34 So I'm almost done with my first AMV in a long time. I'm still lookig for help with it so if anyone is interested here's the beta

    Im really hoping it'll get some good feedback so any help on things that can be improved would be nice, and if you'd really like to help I have even more done but i dont want to make anymore as public as Im making the rest basically. Thanks to anyone who is willing to help. 
  • Need Beta Testers 2011-10-12 23:48:26 Im currently working on my first amv in a long time(over a year) and need more help, so anyone interested in helping just pm me or add me on skype. My skype name is InsaneWaya 
  • oh myz? O: 2009-04-28 22:44:44 So like my comp gotz taken again...O: every day moves slower without it T.T all i have now iz school and hw O: wtf is that...boring, i cant watch tv for hours...unless its anime or House M.D O: tv bores me =| but newayz yeah, if neone reads dis actually i cant work on anything for awhile and if u needa talk to me for some reason to bad O: editing comp should b back soon tho yeahz! O:...............yeah....


    I mean... 
  • S.E.X 2009-04-01 02:07:33 has nothing to do with awsmmedicalvideos, unless u get an STD 
Current server time: Mar 13, 2025 19:27:08