JOURNAL: maarken (Matt )

  • another return 2007-01-08 05:21:33 wow... two years have passed almost since i last visited the site. my aforementioned AMV project had to be scrapped, and i haven't got around to making another just yet. hope everyone's doin good, i'm glad to see great AMVs still being produced. I made one a while back, check it out if ya like and let me know what you think.

    for now i'm out!
    take it easy! 
  • MY RETURN! 2005-07-18 12:48:16 wow.. it has been far too long since i sat in front of the computer and just had the desire to make an AMV.. that feeling is returning once again.. hopefully it will help create something great.. so if you liked my first AMV, "The True Street Fighter", hopefully this one will treat you the same way! 
  • wow 2003-11-24 15:00:11 just came back to the site.. been about three months... good vids appearin and now hopefully i can drop some bombs with my adobe software.. spiffy stuff that there is.... lol 
  • viruses 2003-08-12 23:14:36 hmmm.. i dont like them.. i just had a brutal one hit my PC.. u guys prolly have heard about it.. it hits win XP users... causes the system to shut down repeadetly... its not fun to have... and it took a while for us to neutralize it... i have decided to find the one who distributed and... well... lets just say he'll pay if i find him.... 
  • hmm 2003-08-08 22:36:14 well it looks like its goin to start raining very soon.. lightning is everywhere.. id better keep this short... well im happy my first amv has been downloaded by 10 people... YES!!! haha... but yeah... i wonder if anybody actually reads these things??? o crap! that lightning bolt was close.. okay.. time for me to turn off my pc.. lol 
Current server time: Jan 03, 2025 19:19:11