JOURNAL: Vivaldi

  • Designers must be the most patiant people in the world. 2009-08-02 17:07:53 I have coming to the conclusion that inkscape is one of the most frustrating programs mankind has ever created.

    My teeth are on edge just thinking about it. 
  • What the Fuu...... 2009-07-31 18:42:56 Huh, I was just told a little while ago that I've been asked to head up a symphony music Promotionperformanceexhibitlecture...thing at the local children's museum tomorrow... alone.

    Was weird, I had some kind of intense anxiety attack about it for over an hour. I'm still feeling pretty nauseous about the whole thing. : I guess public speaking really just isn't my thing. 
  • ;_; 2009-07-09 22:38:27 So apparently news has broke of a last exile live action adaptation.



    There will be blood. 
  • And it's official... 2009-07-09 11:54:07

    You must buy this when it comes out. I command you.  
  • My childhood LIIIVES! 2009-07-07 20:44:40 Hell. Yes! 
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