JOURNAL: Adiamante (Jonathan Watson)

  • In Dallas Again 2002-06-28 15:55:57 Well I am down in Dallas to see my niece and help my brother move. Man she melts my heart whenever I see her. She is so cute! I can't imagine what it must be like to actually be here father. I'm only her uncle :)

    Anyway yeah Rozard I love Bela Fleck and the Flecktones. Thats what really got me into loving jazz and that type of music. I can't get enough Wooten Bass Music :)

    Anyway this will probably the last journal entry from me this weekend. Thanks to everyone who visted our site over the past few days while .org was down

  • MP3's! 2002-06-27 23:15:00 For those of you that care I would check out

    The Best Bassist in the World (In my opinion of course) Have to listen to the stuff he can do with a Bass Guitar!

    And then there is some fun

    This is however I feel when .org goes down :)

    Finally on a personal note I leave in the morning early to go see my niece for the first time. Its very exciting :)

  • AbsoluteDestiny 2002-06-25 10:53:57 Yeah that didn't make too much sense did it?

    What I was trying to say was "I hope that name that AbsoluteDestiny Called me doesn't stick for too long." The Unlce Adiamante. I have been called that by like 20 people so far :)

    That make better sense? I think I was smoking something when I wrote that sentence last time.

  • Leaving Once Again 2002-06-25 10:35:48 I had to book by flight today for Dallas. Have to go help my Brother and His wife and new baby move up here to Lubbock. Which should be fun considering they live on the second story of an apartment building and there furniture doesn't collapse at all </sarcasm>.

    But any I leave friday morning and we probably pack everything that evening and leave early Saturday morning. I am pretty sure that Christi(My Sister-In-Law) is flying with her mom and baby. That trip would be hell if she had to drive.

    Anyway it will be wierd to have my dad pick me up at the airport. We rarely do anything together or see each other even though we live in the same city. I guess if I decide to move to Los Angeles I should make use of the times we have together.

  • For those of you that are interested 2002-06-24 15:05:16 Here is a picture of my new niece.

    Debra Yahel Watson

    Its about 183 K

    And the lights not very good because they keep those rooms so dark.

    BTW all babies look the same to me. I'm not sure how they can tell any of them apart. It wierds me out.

    Well just thought I would post. I hope that nickname AbsoluteDestiny doesn't stick to long :)

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