• Uber bad day 2002-11-09 20:12:55 Well I posted what happened to me in the forum. It sucks pretty bad oh well guess I cant feel safe walking down the street anymore. Oh well enough about that. trying to help my brother get online something happened to his network settings so we can't get him back on the network. I pulled out one of my spare computers and told him to get on aol with it so he can just do internet surfing. Oh well at least I dont have to work tommorow. My poor car:( I am worried they will just scrap it out. It's probably not worth the price of the repairs. I love that car it belonged to my grandad who died 2 years ago. My next vehicle I think will be a mini pickup It would be really nice to have something to haul with. I guess I am just rambling pointlessly so peace.

    Mr Oni 
  • 2002-10-31 05:24:13 Unlike american tv anime keeps getting better! I just got the first Dvd for Trouble Chocolate. This Anime is hilarious! They parody a bunch of different Genres. Also Ground Defense force mao chan this anime is hilarious also and is by the creator of love hina. Mao chan parodies magical girl shows good also. 
  • Waaaaaahhhh 2002-10-28 04:49:59 Uncle Milo said he hates me!!! But I love uncle milo! No I wonder if he dosen't like me and is ignoring me why would he keep responding to my posts and insulting me? Anyway I didn't know I had to get people to go against Uncle Milo I thought he pissed people off himself. Hes a wingnut. Someone who is so far off to the left that anybody who disagrees with him about anything is a moron.

    Anyway about guns.

    Guns keep our country free the more restrictions you put on them the more goverment you have looking over you. The difference between our constitution and the constitution of other so called "free countries" Is that the people in this country can back up thier freedoms with firepower. What people like the person above never mention is how many people a year are saved by owning a firearm. We should not let criminals take away our rights(yes owning a gun is a right unlike a car) nor the goverment who steals money from you every chance they get Ie income tax,Property tax.

    List of people I hate

    1.Mexican Junior=He called lum fat!
    2.Uncle Milo
    3.Hillary clinton=Shes ugly
    4.The French
    5.The Germans
    6.The iraquis
    7.The smurfs
    9.The guy that has lum painted on the back of his green volkswagen bug because I am going to kill him and take his car. Lum is mine Mine MINE I TELL YOU

    Mr Oni 
  • A good use for a gun 2002-10-27 18:54:06 Put A bullet in Uncle Milos head Vote republican to piss him off!!!! He's a complete utter facist that loves big goverment read his journal entry. Guns are what keep this country free!!! The guys a moron and everything he writes proves it. You can't engage him in conversation because he jumps to insults if you disagree with him. In real life he's probably not so bad. I don't pretend to understand how people like him think. I just know this Gack they piss me off!!!!! Oh well that's why I like anime I can close the door and all the problems of the world fly away. The news is all the same anymore. I can't believe people were actually worried about the freakin sniper! What's he going to do kill me? Go ahead I don't care. Just bury me with lum plushie and put a confederate battle flag on my headstone just to piss people like Milo off. I'm so glad Uncle milo cannot have his perfect world. I know right about now hes crying he probably needs another cry towel someone killed a spotted zebra or something.

    Mr Oni

  • 2002-08-13 06:21:36 Well after reading Uncle milos stupid journal entry I thought I ought to make one. Does anyone even remember hearing about Bin laden doing the clinton administration? I hate people that are so one sided on thier politics. Like Dems are any better than republicans. In the end the name of the game is money and both sides are after just that. Don't put your faith in politicians they are the worst cheats and liars you will ever meet. You know why Al gore is such a big enviromentalist he owns lot's of property too and he tries to get sites put as preserves so that people can't cut into the markets hes in. How is this for a nutty idea the moron wants to take all cars over 10 years old off the road. How elitist is that? Come on wake up milo the world sucks deal with it. I don't know why you put misguided faith in a political party. The only one I would support would be the Oni Imperialist party. I think it's time america took over the world and set it straight. Peace out whatever

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