JOURNAL: Dalevagar (ryan lindblom)

  • 2002-03-11 13:06:33 So I finally got my Wings of Honneamise DVD from Great site for buying anime, but if they don't have it in stock, it takes too damned long to come in the mail. Anyway, I was getting ready to watch that, but my friend interupted me since he just went out and spent fifty dollars on the Jin Roh DVD. Now I can understand the boxed sets of series that cost 100 to 200 bucks, but I was really curious about a 50 dollar movie. So we watched that instead, and I'll admit that it was good, somewhat disturbing and sobering, but I struggle to see what makes this movie worth 50 of anyone's hard earned American dollars. The box is pretty though.

    So I was somehow convinced by that evil-ex of mine to share the cost of purchasing some web-space.

    Pros: I won't have to rely on my friend to host my AMVs, which is very
    good considering that he crapped out on me.
    There's got to be some other pros that I'm not thinking of

    Cons: I'm pretty sure that she'll find some way of making me cover
    all of the cost for the web-space
    I have to share my studio name with her Gravitation and Digimon AMVs

    Conclusion: for a relatively large cost per month and embarassment, i get to host my own AMVs. Something about this doesn't seem to add up right, but maybe she'll finally have to give me my Lain episodes back.  
  • Terrible bad ways to cram for a test 2002-03-06 15:48:00 So I took this test for one of my engineering classes at 9:30 this morning. It was a good time and all as far as tests go, which isn't very far, but I just hit 12:00 and I can't seem to keep my eyes open for more than five seconds at a time.

    So begins my warning of how not to study for test:

    Since I had absoltely no idea how to do any of the sections that were going to be on the test(only a small exageration), in a mild haze of fatigue i came up with an ingenious way to cram! I'm not going to be one of those guys who pulls an all-nighter right before a test, just half of that, in varying increments. So my plan was to study until midnight, then go to sleep for an hour, then get up and study for an hour, then sleep for an hour, and so on. This may sound like a rediculous idea to many of you, but I can assure you that there was some form of logic to it when I thought it up at 11:30 last night.

    Anyway, the snooze button is a terrible invention. Once the alarm turns on, there should not be any way of turning it off for at least five minutes. And electric blankets are bad too, but I wont go into that.

    So now, in my current state of not seeing in straight lines and a half working brain at best, i have an enormous homework assignment due in the next 2 hours that I need to get started on. But first i nap... 
  • Where did this thing come from 2002-03-04 16:05:00 Okay, so this looks like a fun little feature that I've never used... or looked at... but I'm wasting time until my next class starts, so why the heck not? Well, I'm not really sure what people traditionally write here, but I'm all for random babbling whenever I think someone is listening, or reading in this case, but I guess so that this space won't be entirely wasted i'll say something about the progression of my current music video projects.

    [scratch head]
    Well my latest project that I've been trying to get started on, "Don't even Want to be with Myself" is still being delayed because of that evil ex-girlfriend of mine hording my episodes of Serial Experiments Lain. I've got some pretty good ideas for it, so it should be pretty cool once I get it started, but I'm starting to think that she might not give my videos back. This distresses me a great deal, however I'm still holding on to her NieA Under 7 episodes, so she'll crack eventually.

    My friend that I was convincing to host my currently done videos crapped out on me and decided that he doesn't want the web-space anymore, but he's offering me the domain name, so maybe when I have enough money, I'll go out and buy my own web-space. Unfortunately the poor college kid stigma is sticking to me pretty tight these days. And as a warning to people: Having Ramen for three meals a day is a very poor diet. However, throw in the occasional pizza and you'll be just fine.  
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