Finally started Making an AMV
2010-03-18 19:34:55
I am a Linux user/programmer and have begun creating an AMV. A friend and I are currently creating a No Index@720, Naruto@720, and Initial D amvs to start.
My blog has guides on how to use the Linux software (that is free) for creating AMVs. Linux is like a swissarmy knife, it can do anything, and creating videos has being done for years. What do you think Pixar uses, LINUX.
There are 3 great NLE's and each varies on how hard it is to learn. OpenShot(training wheels) , LiVES(easy to use, but hard to master) and Cinelerra, has a UI that is like adobe premier and sony vegas. and can do everything the can.
So check out my blog, and if you need help with Linux I'll help :p
The reflection of style videos
2008-04-23 00:13:46
Are pretty friggin sweet. They make me want to start creating and contibute to the art scene.
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