2009-10-08 20:45:25
Deng, this school thing is busy work. I just took my Statistics for Engineers exam. My first time taking a test in the evening. It's so weird. haha.
Two more next week! Shiet... so busy.
So Real Cru workshop this Saturday!! I already bought my ticket :D!!! - t.o.c. 2009-09-17 16:46:27 So Real Cru is coming to our campus to hold a dance workshop next month!! OMG I'm going crazy! hahahah.
m.s.l. (continued)
2009-08-26 23:48:54
Oh, and this episode shows them walking around Anime Matsuri a bit.
BAD... ASS.... I would go crazy if I saw them walking around.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRAqQ0pV7HE -
2009-08-26 00:14:05
Did anybody here go to Anime Matsuri? Apparently SoReal dance crew performed( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvUTXXn0wyU ) there. Man, so lucky! I want to see them live!
What a dead crowd though, lol. - n.t.e. 2009-08-16 04:17:52 need... to... edit...