JOURNAL: aftwister (Amanda )

  • Keep Up with Me 2007-05-17 03:50:07 after not making any amvs for 3 years or so I am proud to present a new amv! with school and so many technology problems (i.e. going through too many computers) i was not able to put much, if any, attention towards my hobby of creating amvs. however now that it's summer and i have spare time i'm trying to see if i can get back into the swing of things.

    so if you'd like to check it i've posted the link below. it would be nice to get a little feedback since it's my first in such a while!

    thanks! enjoy!

    *NEW AMV*
  • An Awakened Perspective 2005-09-30 02:02:15 I honestly having been downloading many amvs lately just since I've been caught up in a million other things. My life has been crazy and I have only been making it worse-if you see it as that. But I love it, everything crazy about life just makes me learn more and realize something new. I just happened to be on the org today was about to just log off until I saw a new video title pop-up that caught my attention. It's called "How It Feels To Be Alone And Not Believe." I realized that it's not an original title once I heard the song, which I never had before since I'm not a fan of Yellowcard. But I watched the video and was honestly impressed for one of the first couple of videos for a newer member.

    It reminded me of my first-the passion of the song, the love of creating, the thrill to strive and do the best possible. I haven't been working on any videos for over 6 months, and the last time I was I pretty much just did the first 45 seconds of a couple different ones and then lost the touch. I tried to go back to them a few times but the same enjoyment wasn't there, I no longer had the passion to work with those anymore.

    I'm not really sure why it was this video or even why now, but I see the passion that I long to create and enjoy, the passion that I lost when I lost part of myself a few months ago. This past week has been a time of change though. The way I think, what I find important in my life, what I want to do with my time, all of those views have been changing greatly. Maybe they could change again, change to desire a piece of me left behind. Good news though, I now have Adobe Premiere. I didn't have the money for it, despite how much I wanted to work with a better program, however a newly acquired friend gave it to me and I think I may just put it to use soon. 
  • Fun Summer =/ Work 2005-07-14 15:29:57 Yeah, not the right sign but same point, summer fun doesn't equal work!! And yet that is what my summer days have been filled with, the exception being this past week. Being home in Mass again, well I don't think I would ask for much else at the moment. I love the beach, the sun, clear starry skies, my friends, and of course anytime I get to relax. The dating thing, well my love life is just on pause for another month or two.

    Anyways that's life for the moment, and now for my amv latest update. I've already finished getting my kenshin footage in order, namely ova 5 & 6 for now and it's ready to be used and edited away, which I've already started a little bit for select scenes. As for the song I think it's beautiful. It's a slow song with a lot of, hmm what's the word, wave to it. The harmony is perfect for the touching love scenes and the melody gives the song enough of a boost to add behind the scenes action in the background. The song's called "You Will Be My Ain True Love," it's from the movie Cold Mountain, which may I add is a very good although long movie. I haven't quite figured out the theme or how I want to intertwine the effects using the past and present as counterparts going along the chorus of the song. The story line is pretty obvious for anyone, being everyone really, who's seen the anime, I just needed to tweak the appearance of how I want to present a little. I already have it narrowed down to 32 minutes worth of footage and I'll easily get rid of another 10 tomorrow when I can work on it. Hopefully I can also have 25 secs of raw material done as well. I'll see how it goes. Until then and along the way hopefully I can find more focus for the piece. 
  • Getting There 2003-07-03 14:39:21 <B></B>

    Okay, I've accomplished something today. Finally, two of my videos are uploaded and available. Geez, it took long enough! I tried to do this the other day, but nooooooooo other "obligations" came up. Umm..yeah, on another note, hey did ya realize this my first entry! I'm not usually one to share everything that going on in my goddam head beacsue if I did wow I'ld never shutup.

    Anyways, oh ym god it's raining! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! It can't RAIN! Why od you say? Because the carnival's in town, the carnival's in town. There are suppose to be fireworks tonight and I;m suppose to be hanging out with my friends. NO NO NO NO NO! STOP I command STOP! Oh this can't be good!

    Alright on yet another note............yum! Hershey's French Vanilla Hot Cocoa with Hood's Whipcream delicious! Do you know that hot cocoa is about a dollar cheaper in the summer than winter. Check it out the next time you go tot he store. Look out the hot cocoa prices now, then look at the in the winter. you could save yourself quite a bit of money if you're a big cocoa drinker. Me, I'll drink it anytime, doesn't matter when to me because you can still get the same great flavor. I just don't reccommend drinking it when it's 95 degrees outside.

    AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!1 It's still RAINING!!!!! 
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