JOURNAL: MarkMachine (Markus Adams)

  • More money......More problems 2001-11-30 00:20:22 Well, like the title says, mo money mo problems. Basically, the capture card i got is incompatable with XP so i "donated" it to the co-owner of Mozlane Infinity, my best friend, Moz. He will start working on his video pretty soon and all i have left to do is to hook up the audio if he hasnt done it yet.

    Since im out of a capture card, i went ahead and took the advice from Deathscythe587 and looked for a card designed for Windows XP. My mother bought it for me and its a Dazzle Video Creator 80. I havent heard much about Dazzle, i've been told the DC10+ is one of the best cards out there. Anyways as long as it comes with a S-video and regular video input port, it'll work with me. I expect to get my DVD player in a few days and the card before November is over. But since im flat broke, i will complete my current DBZ video using VHS footage. Then i'll move into the age of DVD's and get everything set up. I got hit with a new idea for a video that was pretty funny to me when i thought about it.

    I was listening to some old CD's and came across a mix CD. On it was Michael Jackson's Dirty Diana song. I already liked the song and i began to wonder if i could use it for a video. It will be a short one though because only the first verse has stuff that would relate to the clips im thinking of. It will end up being about 1:40 long or something like that. Well, until im sure that i can get all my stuff together, no more videos for me, not that anyone cares. 
  • Finally! 2001-11-22 16:22:52 I got my money cleared finally and as soon as the day after Thanksgiving, ill have a new Sony VAIO 1.5 Ghz computer that i'll upgrade with a DVD-RW in the coming months, after a get another job and pay for night school and other bills. I also will get a new VCR to finally get the footage i need to finish my viddeo.

    I've been hearing people complaining about their software not being compatable or just not working with the new Windows XP upgrade, which is preinstalled on the VAIO. Hopefully, that wont happen with my capture card.

    Now if i count all the time it would take to copy all the needed files from my old computer to the new one, reinstall some software, get my ISP ready, hook up my capture card, capture the footage, and get the video posted, im shooting for within 2-3 weeks. I won't do anything Thanksgiving and neither should you! (Well besides feast on the dozens of houses i plan to "Visit")

    Im really hoping that this new video will be taken as a little something beter than the average DBZ video.

    Average DBZ video = poor video quality, crappy selection of clips, no effects, no emotion to convey, sloppy, and most done "because i was bored"

    My DBZ video = good to excellent video quality, hopefully good selection of clips, proper effects, shows what life is really like as a Z fighter, properly arranged, and done because i love DBZ and want to show that there are DBZ AMV's out there worth watching besides the Great Ones. 
  • New Video In The Works! 2001-11-10 19:31:14 I had finally found the japanese music that i had wanted to use for the next video that im really considering. The music was the Tenchi Muyo opening in Japanese. I loved listening to it over and over!

    One unfortunate problem is that someone has already beaten me to this video and after watching it, i am about to rethink how i wanted to do this. Originally i wanted to make this into a Z warrior dedication but im leaning toward using a different anime, maybe Sonic the Hedgehog. No im not using that lame cartoony sonic but the one i think ABC made or televised using Jaeel White (Family Matters, Steve Urkel) as the voice of Sonic.  
  • Distress and all that jazz 2001-11-06 22:41:08 Since the last time i updated this, i had the hope that my video would be finished by now. I have the money to get a new VCR and a computer, but have to put it in a new bank account. After that, i have to wait for the check to clear and THEN go and buy the fricking thing.
    All i have left to do is capture the scenes from my beta and put together the finished product but that is taking longer than i wanted. There are several small errors i want to correct and it will throw off the release date. For right now, im just hoping to finish before i leave for Christmas.  
  • More and more music videos! 2001-10-23 20:15:50 I've been recently introduced to a way of ripping game CDs for their audio tracks, and im using it to get a few audio tracks from my favorite games. Here's a list.

    Shenmue - Shenmue
    Shenmue - Opening Theme
    Sonic Adventure 2 - Shadow's Theme
    Sonic Adventure 2 - Main Theme

    Right now i have a slight idea of how i want to create videos to these and i might use DBZ to the Shenmue - Shenmue track. Im looking through all my game CD's for good music and i'll be working on some new stuff. At this time though, i've finished my Life is More Than Fighting Beta and i cant stop watching it. I love how it works. Im setting a release for early November. Right now, my capture card works but it doesnt come in clear. Plus almost every time i use it, it kills my computer. Im gettiing a new one around the same time i wanna start the finished model so hopefully ill have my chance to prove what a newbie DBZ video creator can do. 
Current server time: Jan 12, 2025 06:08:11