MarkMachine (Markus Adams)
The current aftermath of a tradegy we will remember forever
2001-09-12 21:26:46
Well ive been watching the news and constantly for updates as to the terrorist attacks that have come against us. What can someone possibly say about all this? 2 hijacked planes crashed into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon and one in Pennslyvania. Apparently the latter 2 missed their targets of the White House and Air Force One, obviously to assasinate the President. Imagine if they would have succeded...the whole US would be turned inside out, people looking for loved ones, people in a nervous wreck just watching, all the destruction and killing...But even worse imagine what would happen after the all the dust cleared. All fingers would go to the Arab Americans and in a fit of rage and blinded by revenge, bloodthirsty Americans would go after innocent Arab Americans in search of that proverbial "eye for an eye". And then the scenes of the Palestinian children and adults celebrating in the streets after the attack on the US. You can bet that there would be an attack against them and that there would be some cover up, when one wouldnt be necessary. Everyone would know that America would be behind it all. In essence, as the Bible foretold, hell on earth. But so far, the country has kept its cool and we are mad as hell. I am not for fighting in any respect but this tests my limits. I have some friends and maybe relatives that might be included in the injured and maybe dead. People from all over the country are either desperately calling to check on people or waiting on that call from someone telling them they're ok. But that wont be the case for a great many people. As im writing tears are coming to me for the ones that are angry and infuriated. I can understand that they would love to have their own 5 minutes with the ones responsible and in today's address to the nation, President Bush called these attacks "an act of war". We all know what happened the last time we were attacked. The japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1944, i think is the year. What happened? We entered the war on the side of the Allies and dropped 2 atomic bombs on the 2 of the most populated Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaka. But Bush has said that America will not differentuate between the terrorists and the people that harbor them. This could mean a very long period of fighting, killing, destruction, and death not just to people but to a culture as a whole. Genocide in a word is a better response. Hatred has filled the hearts of a good deal of Americans that are calling for a just as deadly strike to the perpetratiors. Then what? I believe the world would enter its first nuclear war. Nuclear war, then maybe even strikes with bio weapons. Who knows what kind of weapons we have and even our enemy has themselves. NATO has taken the stance of supporting us. The enemy of our enemy is our enemy. If we let our emotions dictate us in this matter, many more lives could be lost, maybe many more than necessary, not saying that there will be more killing but im not saying there wont be either. Should we enter into this conflict blinded by emotions like revenge, remorse, or justice, more loss of life could be expected. Either way, no one will or should forget this day, September 11, 2001 or otherwise known as 911...
Current server time: Jan 12, 2025 13:36:25