JOURNAL: Garylisk (Gary Littlejohn)

  • Hard drives coming back! 2002-05-30 15:00:50 Well, my 20 gig HD should be back soon, and I got my vid capture card back today! They were sent to repair... ohhhh yes very soon I'll be making AMVs again!

    I've updated my profile and AMV entries to be up to date. My profile contains info on my current and upcoming projects. :)

    *is very excited about this*
  • Extreme-GP! My worst idea ever! 2002-05-18 04:30:21 I took a song from Extreme-G 3 and put it to clips from Tenchi Muyo! GXP, and what do I get? "EXTREME-GP"!! ITS CRAPPY! :P

    In other news, Tenchi Muyo GXP episode 1 is subtitled, and EPisode 2 is somewhat translated. I need to get crackin' if I wanna be on time with the rest of the fansubbers with this episode.
  • Computer Alive! 2002-05-11 22:20:21 I have a computer again! *whew*
    This is good!!! :)

    Posted the anime room schedule (tentative) for Archon 26. I'll post about it in the cons message board. the file is at:
  • Computer dead! 2002-04-15 16:01:56 Well, my computer is dead. I won't boot, my drives won't detect.. I'm pretty much FUXKED!!! Grrrr... 
  • My dialup is just not working right now... 2002-04-11 16:17:31 I'm writing this back at the old apartment on the DSL line.... My dialup at home is not working. Whenever I dial in, it handshakes and copnnects, and then I can't do anything but ping my own IP address. I can't ping anywhere else, and I certainly can't go to any web pages or get on ICQ. This is fookin' obnoxious! Why is dialup service so SHITTY!?!? 
Current server time: Jan 13, 2025 18:51:32