Garylisk (Gary Littlejohn)
I wanna say all those things that would be better unsaid
2002-04-01 17:13:32
Anyway, I've been looking all over to episodes of Pretty Same/Magical Project S... can't find them anywhere. Might as well give up. Even looked around for places that sell the tapes.. only found one tape on anime nation, and its volume 2.
Will this torture ever end? What ever happened to EASY file sharing?
And wy should people on direct connect care if I am using DC++ and sitting on multiple hubs?
I love it when a story just spews from my brain.
2002-04-01 01:02:01
I just wrote a new fanfic, and I must say I rather like it. It's linked from my webpage. :) I wonder if I'll write another one soon.. I just dunno...
Yamerarenai, Yamerarenai!
2002-03-25 09:03:47
Oh yeah, the end song from Shin Tenchi Muyo is stuck in my head. (See the topic)
I have it on infinite loop in Winamp.
Wheeeeeee!.... I'm bored. :P
la de da
2002-03-18 14:59:51
Well, working on graphics and banners for my webpage. Bored as all heck, so I figured I'd post in my journal since I don't do that too often.
Anyway, back to work.. just had to take a break. *sigh*
Damn hyperlink
2002-03-14 03:38:53
Damn hyperlink. Guess it just won't work in a journal post.
In any case, is the address.
If it doesn't work, make sure you have that last / tagged onto the end of the address, or specify index.htm - the server can be anal about that I have found.
Current server time: Jan 14, 2025 20:18:05