JOURNAL: JadeCharm

  • the art of getting MAD 2009-05-15 15:42:54


    >> looks even cooler when it's bold 
  • ... 2009-04-16 10:08:22 ...dropped my amv-project
    ...started a new project

    ...currently i drop every second project i begin
    ...ahhhhh!!! that's not good!!!

    ...i'm a failure
  • beloved freedom 2009-04-04 06:53:15 finally my exams are over and i'm happy to live in freedom again.
    now i can read books, go out, and edit videos!!
    and i must not watch idiotic - but somehow amusing - afternoon talkshows anymore!

    life sucks when the meaning of a day only consists of learning things you're not interested in (or watching talkshows just for a change) -.-

    i already started editing a new amv. the idea came in my mind about one month ago. until now it worked really good, but i think a few (many) people won't like it because of the anime i use o.O
    if someone wants to test a beta, he's invited to send me a pm. > think i'm in need of more beta-testers

  • title? no idea 2009-03-25 11:26:42 have my first written school final examination tomorrow. it'll be german.
    maths is on friday, business economics on monday and english on tuesday.

    and surprisingly i'm not a bit nervous. at the moment.
    wonder how it will be tonight -.-
    maybe i'll dream of coming late to the exams. i often dream of coming late in the night before a test. and mostly i even forget my pencils and so i can't write the test...stupid dreams. - but they feel always very realistic.
    i'm a fool!!

    by the way, i want to give my congrats to the winners of the VCAs and the JCAs!!! well done!

    i'll start editing again in about 2 weeks. you'll hear from me!
  • thx 2009-03-17 10:10:26 my Ouran POP amv didn't get into the finals of the VCAs
    - but this was obvious, i never thought that it would.

    but i want to thank all the people who voted for it (if there was anyone who voted for it at all) and those who left a comment on it.
    Thank you a lot!!


    >>my new favourite smiley. cute - isn't it? ^.- 
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