JOURNAL: AimoAio (May )

  • @Code 2012-10-06 19:49:19 It's okay I hated Luke too. XD But he does get better eventually. And I wouldn't worry too much about the story because as far as I know, they'll explain how it all links together eventually (at least in the Tales games I've played) so it'll make sense in due time.

    I'll also echo Kaze and recommend Tales of Vesperia too if you have an Xbox. It's definitely one of the best and the one that got me into the series. :3 Then Graces afterwards, cause while I like Vesperia more I think Graces is pretty decent too. And the combat system is different in each game so fighting is never boring in this franchise! :D

    (Also the voiced skits in later games are awesome!)
  • Just starve 2012-10-04 14:18:37 This afternoon before I left for uni
    Brother: When do you get home tonight?
    Me: I've got class till 5 so around 6ish probably?
    Brother: K, I'll make the pasta around 5:30-6pm then.

    After I get home at 6:05pm
    Me: You're making the pasta just now?
    Brother: Yeah.
    Me: Good cause I'm hungry.

    Shortly afterwards, he left to go upstairs so I went to check the kitchen and found he had all the pasta, chicken, bacon and mushrooms cut up and ready in plates but he hasn't actually put them together in the oven yet.

    Me: Are you going to make dinner anytime soon?!
    Brother: Why?
    Me: I'm starving that's why!
    Brother: So?
    Me: If you're not going to cook it soon, then I'll just eat a snack or something first.
    Brother: Just starve.


    Me: HUH?
    Brother: It'll taste so much more awesome if you eat it when you're hungry.



    And it's now 7:15pm and I still haven't eaten. >__> I'd cook it myself but I don't know what sauce he's using and if I mess it up he'll throw a fit.  
  • No right to complain 2012-10-01 21:32:37 Me: Man I can't believe it's already the second week of uni!
    Lana: I know! It doesn't feel real. Summer passed by way too fast!
    Me: Yeah I think I was working for about 80% of it. T__T
    Anthony: Same here. Well at least earning money is good!
    Lana: But it's tiring working so many hours!
    Me: Yeah 40 hours a week is a killer.
    Lana: I was about the same, with the occasional overtime.
    Me: I feel like with two days free a week I had no summer at all....wait hang on, one of those is family day so I actually only had one day free! Tragic.
    Anthony: That doesn't sound as bad as 60 hours a week.
    Lana: Please don't tell me you were working everyday.
    Anthony: Yeah.
    Me: ....dude seriously. How did you manage to survive that?!
    Anthony: What do you mean?
    Me: I feel so depressed when I think about going to work.
    Lana: Me too.
    Anthony: Oh I was too busy to be depressed. Everyday it was either time to eat, sleep or go to work. And work was really busy too so I didn't have time to even feel or think about being depressed.
    Lana: ....
    Me: .....


    With that kind of response, I guess I have no reason to complain about 40 hours. >__> 
  • Thank you! 2012-09-30 12:43:03 For the editor feature! :D Now that I have your attention. WATCH KUROKO NO BASKET! XD

    And don't forget to play Tales! It's just as awesome as KnB! XDD


    Now off to do the rest of my homework. Seriously, after not touching any of the material from last year for three months I honestly cannot remember how to draw a frame in java. This is really bad...considering it's probably one of the easiest things to do in a GUI. >__>
  • Only 3 days 2012-09-27 19:08:31 It's only the third day of starting uni for this year and I'm already doing homework. No wait, it's not even homework. It's unfinished labwork.

    Whatever happened to an easy start to get us back into things?! D: WHAT ARE YOU DOING LECTURERS? I AM NOT MENTALLY PREPARED FOR THIS YET!
Current server time: Jan 16, 2025 04:43:43