JOURNAL: AimoAio (May )

  • Grumpy 2012-08-11 22:42:41 So someone at work asked me why I looked so grumpy today. I said it was because I was tired. And why was I tired?

    No it was not because I went to sleep the night before at 4am. And anyway even if it was pretty late I had set my alarm for 12 noon so that gave me at least 7-8 hours of sleep = plenty.

    BUT NO. Some crazy baby or kid in the neighbourhood started WAILING at 8am.


    And it wasn't just any kind of wailing. It was the heartbreaking kind of wailing that went on consistently for about 20 minutes. Every time it stopped for a few seconds, I thought I'd finally get some peace to sleep BUT NOPE, right at that moment where I start snoozing, it starts goddamn crying again.


    I couldn't even close the window to block off some of the noise because the room was too warm. :|

    So later I asked my mum if she heard the annoying crying earlier on and she said no. o__O For a second I thought I was so tired I must have been hallucinating then I realized that was because her bedroom was round the back, and instead I went to ask my brother whose room is round the front like mines.

    He said he heard it. And it was one damn annoying kid, disturbing his sleep like that.

    I couldn't agree more.
  • It's 3am 2012-08-09 22:38:31 Dad: It's 3am. Go to sleep soon.
    Me: Yeah I know. But I'm busy doing something just now.
    Dad: The hell are you doing?
    Me: I'm editing something and the deadline is soon.
    Dad: K well go sleep soon, you have work tomorrow.
    Me: YEAH I KNOW.


    And then I realized that for the past 2 hours since I got home that I have edited nothing. Despite having both Photoshop and AE open and ready to edit.

    But nooooo I ended up getting too into replying to stuff here and there, watching TV while derping around on the internet THAT I FORGOT I HAD TO EDIT SOMETHING.


    This is why I never get things done on time. Why do I get distracted so easily like this?! I hate myself. ;__;
  • That line is so true 2012-08-05 22:14:16 [03:04:27] Kaipi: you'll work tomorrow ?
    [03:07:35] Aimo: no work tomorrow :D
    [03:07:41] Aimo: no work till thursday actually
    [03:07:45] Aimo: omg i actually get a break O:!!!!!!!!!!
    [03:07:47] Aimo: WATCH ALL DA ANIME
    [03:07:48] Aimo: XD
    [03:07:53] Kaipi: XD
    [03:08:00] Kaipi: otaku

  • Just checking 2012-08-04 09:12:32 Random call yesterday

    Me: Hello?
    -mad screaming of hi's and hey's-
    Lauren: What are you doing just now?
    Me: At work. .__. Where else?
    Lauren: You're allowed to answer your phone at work?!
    Me: When there's nobody about, yes.
    Heather: Are you REALLY at work?
    Me: Er...yeah? xD Why?
    Stacey: Why didn't you come out with us tonight?
    Me: Because I'm busy working like I said I was when you asked?
    Lauren: You're always too busy!
    Me: .....actually I'm busy just now.
    Heather: I don't hear the phone ringing.
    Me: That's because it isn't.
    Heather: Shouldn't it be busy on a friday night?
    Me: It's quiet right now.
    Lauren: You just said you were busy!
    Me: That's because I am! D<
    Heather: Yeah yeah yeah. Excuses.
    Me: So care to explain why you're calling me in the middle of work?
    Stacey: We just wanted to make sure you were actually working and not using it as an excuse again to not come out with us. :|
    Me: Do I seem like the type of person who would lie like that?!
    All: Yes.

    So little faith in me.


    Random fb message today

    Stacey: We clearly miss you since we put soooo much effort into phoning you last night haha
    Stacey: honestly you don't know the effort we put in
    Stacey: we went on to google maps to see the shop, found it then googled the name of it to get the number...I phoned, heard a male voice got upset that it wasn't you so hung up then we phoned you haha
    Me: .....

    While I'm still a little mad they thought I'd lie about working I feel kinda happy that they actually thought about me when they were out having fun. Though it could always have been that they were bored and decided harassing me at work would be fun....but I'll go for the positive side this time. :P
  • Hooked 2012-07-13 22:51:41 Bro: So, see the Generation of Miracles? What happens when he beats all of them?
    Me: How would I know? The manga is still ongoing. But then you've only seen the anime so there's still a lot of matches coming up.
    Bro: Duh, I know. Though I gotta say the recent stuff is pretty awesome. I didn't know the copycat had such a cool ability.
    Me: Oh, you mean Kise right? Yeah he's totally epic in the last chapter. I mean I always knew someday he'd-wait, what? How did you know?!
    Bro: Um..cause I read the manga?
    Me: ....what. I only gave you the episodes on wednesday!
    Bro: Yeah...? And I finished them on wednesday..?
    Me: ...there's at least 172 chapters out for kuroko no basket you know...
    Bro: Yeah...? I read them all in the last two days. It's really good, I can't wait to see more. Is it a weekly series? When's the next chapter?


    I got my brother hooked on Kuroko no Basket. AWW YEAH! GO ME!
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:22:17