AimoAio (May )
2011-08-12 20:27:02
-First screenie-
[23:03:09] Aimo: oh fudge. i screwed up the page with my massive picture Dx
[23:03:19] Kaipi: XD
[23:03:38] Kaipi: wow easy
[23:03:43] Aimo: ...
[23:03:47] Aimo: ihu kaipi. D:
[23:10:22] Kaipi: i know everything
[23:10:24] Kaipi: i'm god
[23:10:29] Aimo: YEAH RIGHT
-Second screenie-
[23:16:39] Aimo: OHOHOHOHO
[23:16:41] Aimo: i have something!
[23:17:11] Kaipi: : D
[23:19:07] Aimo: THERE
[23:19:23] Aimo: this has turned into some game XD
[23:19:31] Kaipi: hahaha
[23:21:00] Kaipi: yes
[23:21:04] Aimo: OH YES. GO ME
[23:22:48] Kaipi: i think i found
[23:22:53] Aimo: ....
[23:23:10] Aimo: EVEN BETTER
[23:23:17] Aimo: WHY ARE YOU SEARCHING FOR IT!? D:
[23:23:18] Kaipi: (chuckle)
[23:23:28] Aimo: let other people guess and let me wallow in some self satisfaction Dx
[23:23:37] Kaipi: XD
[23:24:04] Kaipi: this game is awesome
[23:24:33] Aimo: seriously kaipi
[23:24:35] Aimo: FUCK YOU.
[23:24:38] Aimo: DX
[23:26:29] Aimo: you dont even guess as much as you do unless its me Dx THIS IS BULLYING I SWEAR
[23:27:41] Kaipi: ok this time, i'll wait 10min
[23:27:50] Aimo: ......
[23:27:54] Aimo: ;__;
[23:27:56] Aimo: //cries in corner
-Third screenie-
[23:38:57] Aimo: MUHAHAHAHA
[23:39:18] Kaipi: :(
[23:43:49] Aimo: hehekekekekehehe
[23:43:55] Kaipi: i'm not sure for this one
[23:44:01] Kaipi: but i tried something
[23:44:26] Aimo: whoops i got too excited in seeing your reply i clicked on multi editor projects instead XDDDD
[23:44:32] Kaipi: xD
[23:46:48] Kaipi: pft
[23:47:23] Aimo: :P:P
[23:47:25] Aimo: stuck?
[23:47:25] Aimo: XD
[23:47:47] Kaipi: xD
[00:14:22] Aimo: still no idea? :P:P
[00:14:28] Aimo: Mr. God? (chuckle)
[00:14:39] Kaipi: i don't want to search
[00:14:43] Aimo: ....
[00:14:46] Aimo: Dx
[00:14:46] Kaipi: so i wait the next screen
[00:14:48] Kaipi: XD
//For a better idea of what we're talking about, go here: I get mad because everytime I post a screenshot, Kaipi get's the correct answer WAY too quickly. The first 2 he got within 5 minutes of me posting. Not happy. Dx
2011-08-06 07:27:43
Fweck you people who take time off for vacation.
This week I got called in to work an extra 3 shifts because one of the staff members are taking a week off to go on holiday.
3 shifts. You know what that means? It means 30 hours.
Stack that ontop of my original shift = 40 hours.
And it's not even throughout the week. I get to work on a nice Thursday-Sunday in a row! How awesome!
Normally I wouldn't complain because this is nothing compared to that time last year when I had to work the same hours but during the months I had school although since I've grown used to uh...slacking off with only 10 hours per week, I'm not used to working for so long. ;__;
Now I'm literally dead after the 2nd day. BUT ONLY 2 MORE DAYS TILL FREEDOM. I CAN DO IT.
I hope. D:
100% Perfect Girl
2011-08-01 17:54:07
"Jay Jin is the headstrong teenage rebel, determined to prove she's serious about making art. J. Max is the tall debonair foreigner, in Korea on business, with more--much more--to his background than he lets on. On the surface, it would seem as though Jay and J. have nothing in common...until a chance encounter in a hotel lobby sparks a mysterious attraction. Will true love prove strong enough to overcome the language barrier, not to mention the thousands of miles separating two attractive people? Then there are the interventions of friends and family who think they know best... as well as a disastrous encounter with spicy chicken kebab! A giddy romantic fable for our ever-shrinking world, 100% Perfect Girl demonstrates the power of chemistry to conquer all. " --copied from myanimelist.
Sounds like a nice romance shoujo doesn't it?
I was tired after yesterday and decided to pick up a nice shoujo manga for some lighthearted romance reading. The story starts off very nice and cheery and lovey-dovey just like your typical shoujo manga(nothing wrong with that, I love those <3) and then WHAM. (SPOILERS AHEAD)
We get an attempt assassination, a kidnapping, an attempt rape, drama, saving mafia dons, memory loss, mafia don falling in love with girl with no memory, some cruel twisted half step brother enacting revenge on the other princely brother, the SAME cruel twisted half step brother FALLING IN LOVE with the girl, moar drama, moar attempt killings, suicide, girl leaving and becoming anonymous while being protected BY A PRO ASSASSIN hired by the MAFIA DON who then gives up his life to protect her, poor girl being traumatized then being confined and locked up by none other than Prince Charming, Prince Charming turning into Not-So-Prince Charming, lots of distrust and misunderstandings and then when you finally think you get a good ending on their wedding day, an attempt to kill Mr Prince Charming by none other than the PRO ASSASSIN who was protecting the bride WHO SO HAPPENS TO FALL IN LOVE WITH HER TOO...
Yeah I was like "WTF?!?!"
In the reviews for the manga I read that the story was very cliched but since this is only the 2nd manwha I've ever read I have no idea what they mean by cliched. Maybe in Korean dramas and manga, attempt rape, assassination and about 4 guys loving the same girl is considered cliche but I sure haven't read enough to know that so for me the story was quite refreshing and new.
The number of misfortunes that happen to the protagonist Jay is unbelievable but I guess it's because of that very same reason, it makes the manwha so much more dramatic. There were at least 2-3 times were I actually got teary. Now thinking back to the events that occurred to Jay....HOW THE HELL DID SHE COPE WITH ALL OF THAT?!!?! ;__;
About the art, I wouldn't say it was perfect, it was definitely nice and it looks much more realistic than most mangas I've read. It's pretty but not so elaborate to the point where it's just nonsensical (ones where I've wallowed through pages of just pretty pictures that made NO SENSE WHATSOEVER) though I gotta say the author really has a knack for those silent dramatic scenes. Packed with emotion and feeling, the impact just hits you in the face. Some of it was literally HEARTBREAKING. In particular, the scene of Jay's supposed "death" and Jarte's reaction towards it, I don't think I'll ever forget such a scene. It was just art.
To be honest, I don't think I really digested the story very well. I read all 82 chapters in about 7 hours or so, spread out in 2 days. (OMG LIGHTNING SPEED! XD) so there might have been small details I missed out on but I gotta say, IT WAS FANTASTIC. It really makes you FEEL for the characters and it's gripping plotline keeps you trapped for hours reading it.
To sum it all up: "WTF DID I JUST READ?" I think what intrigued me the most was the element of surprise. I went in reading totally NOT expecting this kind of storyline. Maybe that's why it left such an impression on me.
For now I'll give it a 9/10 but it's one of those I definitely won't mind re-reading or might even consider collecting. (It's rare because I usually only collect shounen mangas XD) I LOVED IT. <3
2011-07-31 17:01:06
Today me and 2 other friends went to Edinburgh and visited the grave of Voldemort. (in Greyfriars Kirkyard) There was a girl who was taking photos and when we stared at her she started to get nervous and tried to explain that it was only because the grave said Tom Riddle(which was Volde's real name) and we were like "Yes, we know." Why else we would we visit an old graveyard like this? XD
Then we went to the elephant house, a cafe where JK Rowling had frequently visited when she was writing the Harry Potter series. I had no idea it was so popular until after we left because HOARDS of tourists came along and started snapping pictures like mad. XD
2011-07-29 19:23:47
Okay, you've sold DMC to me. I'm adding it to my list. :3
As for Silent Hill...okay I admit I had a look at a review and I'm still a little skeptical. The first one I saw was just 30 seconds of gameplay where the player just wandered around a hallway with doors with limited lightning but seriously, it had me on the edge of my seat waiting for some scary shit to pop up.
But then I had another look at a different review and this guy was complimenting the story for so long that it made me really want to try the game. He still showed the hallway wandering in the dark though, that had me scared again. (can't stand dark hallways for some reason) Except when he did show a monster, it didn't exactly look very creepy....
So I have a question. What are the monsters/enemies like? For example, their looks and how they appear. Mainly how they appear because things jumping out from behind doors or through windows I can't stand. But if they're like the one shown here which is not exactly fast or particularly frightening then I can handle that much at least....XD
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