JOURNAL: AimoAio (May )

  • @Pink Haze, TC, Moonlight 2011-07-28 09:21:25 I wanted to get DMC but my friend said it was really hard to play(and he's a really good gamer too) so I was kinda torn between getting it or not. But then who knows, I might actually be better than him now :P. Oh and I looked at Silent Hill too, it seems good but it looks terrifying so I'll need to look up a video review and see what the content is like first XD Wouldn't want to give myself nightmares from a game. XDD

    And thanks TC :) I'll give Grandia II a shot and see if I like it first. Though I am a little puzzled as to why II and not III is available here. (UK you suck. D:)

    Also I like the sound of this RPG shooter Moonlight....8D I'll check the PSN tonight :3

  • @Code, TC, Nya 2011-07-26 11:36:11 Thanks for the recommendations, they really helped me out alot ^^

    Though I can't seem to find a place that stocks Grandia III...which I'm saddened about because it looks really good.

    Also I'm quite interested in those RPGs you recommended TC but since you have about 5 there, any one in particular stands out the most to you?

    And Septerra Core kinda reminds me of Conquer Online which I used to play. It does look really interesting but it means I would have to go dig out my old PC which I dismantled a few years back and put it together again before I can play. XD

    Anyway inFamous 1, Tomb Raider: Underworld & Assassin's Creed are in the post. I'm most likely to also get Dragon Age, The World Ends With You, Mirror's Edge and another RPG which should last me till the end of September when I start back at uni.

    Although if you or anyone else still have suggestions, feel free to let me know because I'm quite a fast player so it usually takes me about 2 weeks maximum to complete a game so I could probably squish a few more in there. XD

  • Game Recommendations 2011-07-24 15:50:21 Soooo......anyone got any? 8D

    Series I've played before: (can't remember all of them)
    -Tomb Raider
    -Final Fantasy
    -Call of Duty
    -Valkyria Chronicles
    -Kingdom Hearts

    Series I'm planning on getting:
    -Assassin's Creed
    -Tales of Vesperia (I can't find a site that stocks the game and is NOT ridiculously overpriced like hell, I mean £70?! And it's not even a new game!? WTF?!)
    -Resident Evil
    -Mass Effect

    -Any platform minus PC because I don't have a good desktop that can handle gaming yet. And Wii because I don't have one. So PS3,PS2,PSP, NDS, Xbox are all good. Though I prefer the PS3 since the Xbox belongs to my brother and asking him to let me borrow it to play games is a bit of a hassle....XD
    -I like all genres(except strong Horror, mild horror is ok) so feel free to recommend anything. I usually look up a review before I purchase a game so for now I just need titles.
    -Linear or open gameplay is good with me. Usually I prefer linear because I don't want to think too much but if it's too open(like Fallout) I tend to get confused and lost then end up ditching the game.

    Okay, I think that's it. Sorry being such a picky bitch but if anyone has anything just send a PM over or reply via Journal :) Thanks! ^^

  • Kidnapping of Cordelia 2011-07-19 14:18:02 I got a Rank A for this mission.


    Normally I get Cs. Occasionally Bs and usually Ds in desert operations. (God I hate these the MOST. They always have like 3 tanks. =__=)

    Also don't get me started on that lame mission with Alicia and Welkin in the forest. I Game Over'd at least 6 times at that. I HAVE NEVER GAME OVER'D SO MANY TIMES BEFORE. EVER.

    Let's just say that Welkin is virtually useless without his Edelweiss and Alicia is even worse with her sprained ankle while trying to run from mortar blasts, searchlights and Shocktroopers that seem to avoid every one of your bullets.

    Okay, now I will shut up about it because I'm bringing up horrible memories from when I wasted 1 hour on that battle. Ugh.
  • Midnight 2011-07-14 17:16:25 Harry Potter in 2 hours.

    And I'm already sleepy....

    Oh dear.
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