JOURNAL: AimoAio (May )

  • @Code 2011-03-08 09:13:01 o.o

    You have it much tougher than I do.


    On a side note, my Reborn! volumes came in the post today! \^o^//

    I wasn't even mad at the postie for waking me up while I was trying to sleep off this cold.

    So for a while I just sat in the living room admiring my lovely volumes.I wanted to read them but I knew I shouldn't because I was ill and should be sleeping instead.

    After listening to my nonsensical muttering and getting irritated my mum just told me to read them.

    But I told her I was savouring them for later.

    And then she went, "Stop comparing your silly books to delicious soup or something."

    How nice.
  • Plagirism 2011-03-07 14:36:51 I bet you she was ITCHING to say it.

    My Computer Systems lecturer that is.

    But you know, it's not as if she's entirely wrong...I did get the base of my answers from my friend, then I edited and changed it as my friend explained how it worked.

    But you know, I just sat her fricking class test - which I didn't even have time to finish because she made the first half of the questions so damn calculating and long - and my head was hurting immensely so I wished she had just marked the goddamn practical quickly and let me go home.

    BUT OH NO, she had to ask me where the bugs were and how I fixed them and what this and that line meant and how my MARIE code was too complex and could be made much simpler and that I should follow the example she gave instead of using the one I had because it is better programming even though the one I had was CORRECT.

    I was like, "Mate, I was on vacation for 2 weeks. I had to cram 2 weeks worth of shit into 1 day NEVERMIND the fact I had to do the same for 2 other classes because everybody loves making tests on Week 6&7 of the semester. Just mark the goddamn thing and LET ME GO."

    Also it's just my luck to get the lecturer as the marker and not one of the nice demonstrators who skim through and mark you off in less than a minute. Nono, she took about HALF AN HOUR then asked me to fix the last question - even though mines was CORRECT so I didn't know what to change- before marking again, so in total I wasted about 1hr15mins. Lovely.
  • MARIE 2011-03-06 07:11:04 A Machine Architecture that is Really Intuitive and Easy

    Pfft. I LOL'd at the "Easy"

    I am so screwed for this test tomorrow. Dx
  • Amazon you prick 2011-03-05 08:12:58


    I bet you some unsuspecting poor soul must have fell for this trick and bought the German version of the book.

    Though you know, none of this would happen if Viz would stop being such a dick and just release Vol.17 already.

  • @Kaze 2011-03-04 14:30:27 They're seriously that bad? o.o I just put in an order for Vols. 1-5 and 16 on Amazon for them....XD

    I'd buy the rest but the bill is already at £63(including Pokemon White & a new mouse, I swear if this new mouse breaks I will go insane because it'll be the 3rd one I've had to replace in less than a year! D:<) and my mum would probably go suicidal when the bill comes in considering it's her card I'm using LOLOLOL. XD

    Mind you, if she's going suicidal at £63 then I'm sure an extra £30 wouldn't make much of a difference anyways.

    -adds a few more volumes to the basket-

    I guess you got all sorts of different fans in the world: the complete leeches, the half leeches and the buyers. For me, I don't buy a series in book form unless I really like it and find it worthy of being on my limited bookshelf space. But since I love the Reborn! story & characters so much, I'll even throw in money and support the shitty translations by buying the book.

    ANYWAY I'mma start on your AMV laters today once I attempt this shitty practical SO GET ON SKYPE! 8D

    On second thought nevermind the practical. It doesn't make sense now and it probably never will. I'll just have to forget about the exemption and ace the exam in May instead. ^^

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