JOURNAL: AimoAio (May )

  • NOT DEAD? [PH 56 spoiler] 2010-12-24 14:47:21 OMG?

    Reim wasn't dead?!


    REALLY, Pandora Hearts, why are you not a weekly series? Now I need to wait a whole month before the new chapter is out. D:

  • 50P 2010-12-21 20:25:11 I had to listen to a customer talk shit today because there was an extra 50p on delivery because of the icy roads.


    Honestly, I told her if she didn't want to pay the extra 50p she didn't have to order anything and do you know what she said?

    "I wasn't talking about the delivery, I was saying how this just isn't right!"

    What isn't right? Paying an extra 50p for the driver who has to risk his life out there in those icy conditions just so you can get hot food? WTF?

    Then she started going on about us "exploiting the weather" and "cars were moving fine outside HER street" and how she was gonna "report us"

    Report us to who? The society for protecting against raising delivery charges?!

    In the end I was like "Whatever." and just when I was about to put the phone down she started rambling on and on about how she was a regular customer and she won't stand for this shit and I was just like -SIGH-

    Then when she finally hung up, the driver told me everytime he took a delivery to her place, she's always drunk.


    This is why I hate drunks. Causing trouble for people everywhere.
  • Knots 2010-12-19 18:50:10 Hate it when there's fricking knots in yarn. I spend more time untangling them than actually knitting.

    I wonder if I'll finish this scarf for my dad on time for is only 2 years overdue...

    I'm sure it's the thought that counts afterall. x]
  • PH 55 2010-12-17 14:37:57 Page 31 gave me a freaking heart attack.

    Thought he was seriously going to die for a moment there.

    And even though I don't really like Gil, I must say thanks to him for saving Break. <3
  • Hollisters 2010-12-15 19:48:09 Lovely design. Lovely atmosphere. Lovely clothes. Lovely shop in general.

    But bloody bad service.



    Went Xmas shopping with some friends today and one of them wanted to buy a hoodie from Hollisters because they looked gorgeous but she couldn't find her size so she asked one of the sales standing about[basically doing nothing]. She said okay and went off.

    10 minutes later she still wasn't back so we went searching for her.

    And found her managing the cashier. WTF?

    So we asked someone else who radio'd another sales over, she said alright then walked off with the hoodie, stopped another colleague and started CHATTING. After a nice little conversation she told the colleague to find the hoodie.

    The colleague said no and a mini argument formed. -__-

    After 5 minutes of hassle, she went off to find the hoodie.

    Then came back later and said there was none.


    Well thank YOU. Would be nice if you told us earlier.


    Also I hate you Dmitri.

    I was hoping you'd put calculations in the paper today but I never expected you to give us the formulas too D:

    Considering how I DON'T KNOW how to calculate the sums, I was hoping to scrape 1 or 2 marks by memorizing the formula D;

    Seems like that didn't work out very well, there goes another fail this semester...
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