AimoAio (May )
2010-09-22 19:19:51
And I've only been at uni for 2 days...sheesh. My legs are dead from walking about the uni today. Why did they have to build it on TWO HILLS? With a big massive slope that I have to frequently go UP? And Mr Weather was being very kind as usual and rewarded us with pouring rain all morning x] My jeans were totally soaked so imagine having to walk up a mountain with sodding jeans, lovely isn't it? NOT.
BUT I finally got registered and got my card!!!! Now they can't stop me going into the Union haha! :P But the undergraduates must be REALLY DESPERATE this year because it was only 9AM and there was about 100 people already queuing up for registration and it doesn't even START till 9:30am o__o
The induction meeting was so bloody boring too. My concentration started slipping after 30minutes and when the guy was talking about time management I really thought my head was going to fall off from tiredness. It was hard trying to stay awake and resist the temptation to just put my head on the desk for a little snooze....
Oh yes, I would leave such a GREAT impression if I did that.
Also didn't quite help how I've been running on 3 hours sleep from last night & relying on coffee to stay awake for the past 16 freaking tired....zzz....
Okay I lie, out of the 2 & 1/2 hours we were in that lecture room, 1 of it was pretty good because they had this guy from UniSmart who was doing a presentation about general student life and GOD, he was HILARIOUS XD
I don't even know how to describe what the talk was like but even the Dean applauded him pretty loudly at the end. HECK, we ALL were xD
On a sidenote, studied my timetable a bit more and came to realise I get Thursday OFF! ALL DAY TOO! 8D Which is pretty awesome because as far as lectures are concerned, the only days I need to be in by 9am are Wednesdays and Fridays, unless they assign me a lab at 9 for another day so let's hope they don't. But labs & tutorials don't start till Wk 2 so all of next week is just lectures and elective classes.
I'll say just now, The Department Of Science at the University of Strathclyde? THEY'RE AWESOME. I know a friend doing an engineering course and he has a 9-5 timetable. PAHAHAHA!
Being serious though, don't you think it's a bit cruel to give me FIVE lectures on a FRIDAY? 4 lectures from 9AM-1PM? WITHOUT A BREAK? And then they give me a 1 hour break for lunch so I don't DIE of hunger before having to listen to people BABBLE ON FOR ANOTHER HOUR, oh my bad, they're called lectures aren't they? D:
Someone up there hates me.
Also I find it extremely irritating and funny at the same time that all my important documents(like my timetable and uni letters and department forms) are all nice and crumpled whereas the less important stuff like the freebies and leaflets I got from the clubs & societies fairs are PERFECT AND CRISP.
For a while there, I was happy that I didn't have to go into university tomorrow. It's not that I hate it,it's actually pretty fun but it's just so EXHAUSTING.
And then I realise the reason I'm not going in is because I have work.
Then on Friday I need to be in by 9am for ANOTHER meeting.
And I almost fell down the stairs because my legs hurt from all the walking and all I wanted was to go downstairs and make a cup of tea because I was falling asleep. My little brother asked why I was walking all over the place like a drunk when I haven't even been drinking!
2010-09-21 20:50:44
No student card = No getting in to the Union = No Pendulum.
I KNEW something bad was going to happen tonight since everything else during the day had gone smoothly...I mean the bus was on time which meant I was one hour EARLY, I didn't get lost even without a map, my timetable isn't completely crap(apart from Fridays where I have FIVE lectures) and I made some new friends on my course who aren't totally whacko or crazy.
But everything started going downhill when a lady from the department came into the middle of the pre-registration meeting and told us that the hall for registration was SHUT OFF due to TOO MANY PEOPLE.
And so I couldn't get my Student Card today.
They did take the acceptance letter from the uni as proof that I was a student of the uni but sadly I lost that back in July.
So in the end, I didn't get to see them. BOO.
But me and my friends did find a few good bars and pubs in Glasgow and we had a pretty good time anyways. That is until they started to get a little tipsy and I had to make sure they didn't crash into any walls or fall on the floor suddenly because they were totally NOT walking straight, I had to steer them back onto the right track sometimes! Well I was kind of tipsy too until I had a coffee which totally cured my dizzyness and such. The amazing power of coffee is...amazing? xD
Anyway we all made it home in one piece, although my buddy did almost fall on the floor getting out the taxi so good thing I was sobered up so I could help her out. LOL. I should have took a photo so I could blackmail her later...haha.
In conclusion, I'd say it was a pretty good day :P Looks like it'll be pretty fun from now until Christmas! ^^ Although I should get to sleep now cause it's almost 2AM and I need to get up at 6AM to catch the train into Glasgow to beat the rush for registration...
2010-09-20 14:57:38
Hmm I dunno if it counts as "odd" but I've been watching Kaichou wa Maid Sama lately and it's pretty good :3 So maybe you could try and see if you like it? ^^
Horror films
2010-09-18 20:30:22
Saturday 18th. 11PM. At work.
-looking at TV-
John: What's that on tv just now?
(John is the delivery driver at my work)
Me: No idea.
John: Oh, it's Alien Vs Predator.
Me: It is?
John: You haven't seen it?
Me: Nope..?
John: What about Alien?
Me: Nope...?
John: Predator?
Me: Nope...?
Me: ......
John: Are you serious?
Me: ...yes? I don't like horror...
Okay I lie. I love horror D: I'm just terrified of it >__> (weird combination I know) I'm a total wimp when it comes to that stuff. I mean, come on, I couldn't even watch the Grudge without MUTING the sound AND then hiding behind a cushion because the noises were creeping me out so badly.....
And I wasn't even watching it myself -__- I was with a group of friends. And we were watching it during the DAY. Let's say they were not happy I stole the remote....XD
Although science fiction horrors are actually not that bad...most the time it's just yucky scenes where people get attacked/eaten by extraterrestrial lifeforms which make me go "EWW! THAT'S SO DISGUSTING! YUCK! " -LOOKS AWAY-
Ghost ones are the ones that scare me the most. I hate those quiet scenes that suddenly has some creepy looking ghosty image popping up and scaring the shit out of you with loud sounds.
And zombie ones..? Oh god, let's not go there...
2010-09-15 15:32:08
Tuesday 21st September - 10PM
My lovely overprotective father tried to ban me from going to see them because it starts at 10PM and he doesn't trust me in Glasgow at night by myself D: He said if I don't get a friend to come with me, I'm not allowed to go >__>
But the GOOD thing is that today, my bestie suddenly told me she wanted to go see them too even though you know, she doesn't even listen to their music, actually she probably hasn't even heard of them until today x]
Also it would cost me a fortune to pay for a taxi alone to go home afterwards, this way I get to save a bunch and go with a friend, AWESOMESAUCE <33 CAN'T WAIT TILL NEXT TUESDAY! ^^
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