JOURNAL: AimoAio (May )

  • Sunny days 2010-08-22 08:29:48 means epic hayfever attacks ;__;

    -sneezes again-

  • @Code 2010-08-20 19:34:27 Wow that's great news! 8D Congrats Code! ^^ Nice to see life's good for you. 
  • @Niwa 2010-08-18 12:36:55 About time you got that done lazy.....

  • @Chiiisus 2010-08-16 21:03:39 ouch ;__; that sounds painful >__>

    Anyways, good luck with your results ^^ Hope ya do well :) 
  • @lots 2010-08-16 11:16:15 @Code: Woah, you sure type a lot xD Guess you're one of those who don't even need to look at their keyboard anymore to type? xD

    @Taite: Same ;__; Sole reason I refuse to let my little brother sell the PS2 8D The game is actually sitting there waiting for me to play it once I finish editing what needs to be edited first...

    @Chiiisus: LOL phones hate me too ;__; Haha judging by your dad's reaction, I think he's had plenty of experience on handling your er...strange behaviour? D;

    @Self: Stop watching HYD and edit. Also it mystifies me as to how Eps 14 & 15 of Toradora refuse to open in virtualdub when I used the exact same script and episode when I was making Crush....&%^*$%^! I don't have a lot of time left to edit! OPEN YOU DAMN EPISODES! D8 
Current server time: Jan 30, 2025 22:04:48