Okay, REALLY guys??
2010-07-15 23:27:56
I want to know how bored people are, and I want to know who they think they are.
Numerous times, not just on this site, but on other sites where I host my work, I get stuff like, "It was just OKAY" or "It wasn't that good" or "You could have done better." Can you just explain to me why you people leave these comments?!
I'm not referring to constructive criticism. That's worth my time AND yours, to tell me, "This part was good, but here's what I think you could have added to give it some spark." Constructive criticism is not "I HATED this part and you need to just get off the internet for even posting it."
It's such a simple thing! **IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T LEAVE A COMMENT!** How rude can you possibly get?? Is it that you enjoy bringing people down by telling them their work is crap??
If you're gonna leave a crappy comment on a video, I want you to answer (to yourself please) the following:
1. Who are you?
Who are you to tell me that I did a crappy job? Why should I listen to you?? You're human like me, you're no god. This world was not invented for your pleasure, just so you know. If you don't like the video, fine. Move on and find one you do like. Are you hoping the creator will say, "Oh! You didn't like it! Well then here, let me remove it for you!" 99.9% chance that ain't happening, pal. There are other people in the world, not just you.
2. Can you do a better job?
Then by all means. If you think you can do better, stop barking and go bite. Wannabes and hypocrites are hardly impressive.
3. What do you want?
Wht are you hoping to get out of leaving rude comments on videos? Self-gratification? Is your self-esteem really that deathly low?? Are you trying to feel powerful? You're failing pretty miserably. You're just making yourself look like a complete twat, or rather, confirming you are one.
So next time you want to talk smack, remember YOU ARE A HUMAN. You share this earth, it does not belong to you. I'm not making videos to impress you, and neither is anyone else. Also remember the legacy you're building yourself in the world. How many people have you met that go, "I want people to remember me and say '____ was a complete arse and was a buttcrack to everyone they met. All they did was talk rude.'" Do you want that in your grave with you??
So in the future, don't waste your time, AND DON'T WASTE ANYONE ELSE'S. We don't want your input. Just move along.
Upcoming video: Kuroshitsuji
2010-01-13 13:57:59
Working in an upcoming music video for Kuroshitsuji, really excited about it! The download is taking forever though >< The song will be a Poets of the Fall song.
Poets, I feel, is an extremely underappreciated band. They have some BEAUTIFUL music, I highly recommend you look some songs up! Marko has a lovely voice.
Got lots of good stuf coming your way. Stay tuned!
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