JOURNAL: Draw it blank (Bianca )

  • 2009-12-11 17:39:47 I'm gonna use this weekend as my sorrowfull goodby to all my friends 'n such
    it would seem i'm moving to florida (no its not as exciting as it seems)
    sure from Chicago to Fl is great but rly, its during X-mas and I have to *sigh* start a new school...WTF !? (I dont even understand 4x4)
    I've never stayed in a school long enough to graduate from that school!
    Damn it's depressing...
    and to make it worse finals begin in 4 days and our ass admin made the schedule fucked up
    3 on friday 3 on monday then the last 2 on tuesday...TWO FRIGGN DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS!!!!
    I swear they should go die!

    *Dusts off emo corner* 
  • The countdown begins 2009-12-04 18:30:52 Its every schoolgoesrs most favorite time of year

    but seriously now 10 more school days till mine...
    so on the lovely week of Christmas I'm going to be zombified because of the 6 finals i had just taken, and 4 of them are honors classes.
    (If anybody wants a pet girl call me, im willing to run away)
    - Can you say "brain dead"?

    so onward schoolers! to acing (or bombing) the finals!
    *cue dramatic sad music here* 
  • It''s ...a girl!!!! .....wait no? 2009-11-22 20:15:39 I found out that all my electronic devices (excluding the Wii)
    are girls...
    Yes its damn possible! It crashed when iTunes played miley cirus (I did too)
    then while watching yaoi it'll freeze when it gets good...or is it 'cuz its bad
    the same goes for yuri...
    so is my computer a boy or girl
    or is this type of talking irrelevant?
    oh and I'm officially moving to mickey mouses house....
    (not really)
    I am moving to Florida though
    ...It actually kinda sorta sucks...a little 
  • Aaaannd its raining ........AGAIN! 2009-10-30 18:45:59 *cries* its been raining FOREVER damn it! I wants to see the sun again
    All the teachers start gettiing bitchy when its too cloudy and have us do busy work...
    Not today though! We made pumpkin bambs in ap chem and got to be total pyros, we even drew fake blood! ^^
    And all my friends dressed up as School girls! so we made 80% of all the guys horny! (now with free detentions)
    And tonight were gonna go see paranormal activity ^^
    I'm prolly gonna run out screaming (I'm no-no for super scary)
  • stuff....yep 2009-10-20 09:44:35 ya know what sucks?
    ...yea I don't either 0.o
    oh well my family finally launched our companies & i did the flash & music for the sites
    I feel accomplished, and even better I gots a scholarship ^^
    and yay I finished a super awesome road trip video
    I feel even more accomplished
    But I still dono what sucks o.0 
Current server time: Jan 13, 2025 21:59:46