JOURNAL: Ketsuna Duriane (Ketsuna Duriane)

  • Lifes is sexually transmitted, and 100% fatal 2003-08-25 11:27:30 I'm worried about my friend kelley, I'm worried about everyone one of my friends >.< My head hurts, and my stomach dosne't feel good at all >.<
    I'm tired.... REALLY tired.....

    I want to leave this place so bad, but I promised! (6: You've broken promisses before....) WHY DOSE EVEYTHINF HAVE TO BE SO BAD!?!

    I'm currently cuasing myslef to become deaf, I have my headphones turned on all the way, and its still not loud enought to block outthe sounds in my head >.< 
  • Lifes gonna suck when you grow up 2003-07-15 20:13:15 thats the name of a song I heard, explained a lot, though a more accurate title would be Lifes gonna suck right this minute and for the rest of your life.

    If you hadn't noticed already, I'm a little pissed off. Tomorrow at 6 am (est) I will be leaving to drive down to florida with my family in a car (not a van). I will leave all things that control my sanity here with the computer. You may be thinking: "How she needs a life if she can't leave the computer". This is my response: "If you want me to have a life, please, feel free to get me one to replace this one, cuase I think this ones defective". I will be leaving behind the very things that keep me from going over the top. the songs from my AMVs, the friends that listen to me and talk to me, the distractions to keep my mind on other things, the people I hang out with, they are all my saving grace, and I have to go and leave them here and endure a two day trip to florida with my family bickering the whole damn way! (This was never mentioned in the song above) I won't be back till august, I'm going to see my brothers.

    I'm tired, I feel old. We watched home-movies to take with us on our trip. When I watched we all looked so young... and for a moment I forgot everything and I felt like they had all died and left me here, and I was an old lady watching them, remebering them, and I was still stuck here, with nothing but memorys to tease and tuant me.

    "Fed up with my destiny, this place of no return. I think I'll take another day and slowly watch it burn"

    Did you ever noticed that when your depressed you seem to have this strange fascination with fire? You just stare at it and could sit there for hours on end....

    I have a friend named David, I really like him, I met him on the net. We were gonna both join the airforce and fly in the sky together... It'll never happen will it?

    I'm angry, every time I try to make something beutiful, wether its drawing or composing or making and AMV something always stops me, and if I do make something, it never comes out the way I see it, and no one understands it. I feel like I'm screaming in an empty room and theres all this glass breaking and no one can hear me.

    Non of my friends are on, so I suppose the reason this is so long, is cuase I've got noone else to tell it to. Well I guess I'll finish it here.

    "When I see you now, I wonder how I could've watched you walk away. If I let you down, please forgive me now... for that beutiful good bye" 
  • Friday the 11th 2003-07-11 10:47:03 yesturday I found out my sis and I are going to Orlando on the 15th, to see our brothers that we have never met. Guess what, I'm an Aunt! 4 times -.-

    ANYWAY! Ashton is really sad about Kelley, I hope she feels better soon, cuase next summer its my turn, Im moving to Camp Lijuene (NC)

    I got to go, talking to my brother Joshua ^_^ 
  • Today the 9th :*( 2003-07-09 13:40:43 MY best friend kelley is moving to key west!!
    thats at the very bottom of florida for those of you who don't know.
    I'll never see her again, except for when Ashton (other Best Friend) go and drive down their, and that won't be till next year! we're both soo sad :*( but I think Ashton is more sad then I. I'm used to moving and getting new friends all the time, any way, buh bye 
  • Today 2003-07-06 17:13:33 Today is.. well sunday, so thus not interesting, but three days ago, I joined AMV ^_^ thats interesting isn't it? 
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