Another Project In the Works and trying to buy Fullmetal Alchemist!
2009-01-03 10:44:42
Hello all. Just working on a few new projects for the Org, mainly because UTube is starting to crack down on music in videos, I think it's time I made this place a perminent location for my AMVs, I still like to stream them and there's a place called where I think I'll relocate my videos.
Currently tossing around ideas for another Bleach video, also splitting Trigun for AMVs and am currently waiting for the right time to buy Fullmetal Alchemist. I'll update my blog when I have more news. Happy vidding everyone!
New Skillet AMV in the works.
2008-11-09 13:35:29
so I'm new here to the .org. But some of you might know me by my other Screen Name mglittlerobin on YouTube. Anyway, I'm currently working on a new Skillet AMV for Bleach using "Savior". Now I know my fellow panheads who frequent this site will say, "But Savior's been done by a lot of AMV makers, well, not with the live version from "Comatose Comes Alive" They haven't so I'm going to do it. I'll make a thread about it when It's finished.
Current server time: Jan 11, 2025 20:00:44