JOURNAL: The Wired Knight (Sean Thordsen)

  • Stuff 2003-11-03 12:31:08 Well it's been a while but I got back from Yaoi-con, the AMV contest whent well despite a HUGE crisis I had the night before my plane left for San Fransisco. This caused a horrible fiasco over the weekend which I finally managed to correct before the contest, so other than a serious numbering issue on the ballots, the contest whent over well.

    Although having to MC the contest in that "uke" shirt was still emberassing -_-

    In lighter news, my latest video -Title Pending- is complete. Now I can finally get to work on my most difficult project yet and hopefully have it ready for Anime Expo.

    My anime class at college is going well, I'm busy compiling a list of AMVs to show on the day he discusses Fandom in Anime and I got clearence to make an AMV instead of having to write a term paper (major sweetness).

    Anyway, that's it, now back to not updating this thing for another month and a half. 
  • My Projects 2003-09-29 13:06:37 Well at AWA I got my first shot to see my projects in front of a large audience on a screen. The reaction seems fairly positive but not too much. Didn't win the award I was after but oh well. In either case, I have to finish my current projet before I start the "Quardra-Video" whichy will be my most taxing project yet. And of course the Retro Gaming Project will come around sooner or later. 
  • AWA Report 2003-09-29 13:05:12 This was my first shot at AWA this yedar and I have to admit, it lives up to
    pretty much everything I was told about it (AMV wise). Overall there isn't
    as much to do at other cons (in regards to events, video rooms) but the
    dealer room is a good size (if I can go broke in three days, then it's good). Most of all though, the VAT definetly lived up to my expectations, I really like having so many AMV related events of different styles to keep you busy. This was also my first shot to see the DDR Project in person rather than on my monitor and I was impressed, although I came in expecting to see more people dancing than were doing so (I'm attributing this to the number of people who didn't move from the 'dance floor') I'm not sure if it was under Brad's control or not, but it might be wise to move the dancing area a bit farther from the door since people tend to congregate there. The NES project whent better than I had ever expected, the room was packed (now I know I'm not the only one who wasted his life on the NES). Congrats to all the winners of the various contests at AWA and to everyone who participated in all the projects.
  • Okashii 2003-09-14 17:02:11 Am I the only one that finds it funny that the video of mine with the highest star rating happens to be the one I made in a few days at the last minute with no planning whatsoever? 
  • All Set 2003-08-31 18:40:41 Well, my plane tickets are purchased and I'm ready to attend AWA for the first time. In other news, I'm wrapping up the affairs for Yaoi-con 2003 this year as I am getting ready to recieve and review all the videos this year so hopefully that will go smoothly.

    In other news, I am busy working on my latest video for Anime Expo (yes I know it's early) but hopefully this one will have some good luck there ^^ Afterall, this i is the most evil video idea I have ever come up with. And that's saying a lot considering that my most revent video prior was done to the Hamster Dance Remix. ^_~ 
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