LoLoka (Gabriela Verdugo)
2009-05-14 05:05:05
why is it that I'm sooo bored of stufying now??
why is it that these exams seem endless??
why is it that those dudes left the hardest exam for the end when all of us are already tired enough??
why is it that these dudes that plan these schedules seem to believe that we are like Hiro Nakamura and can stop time to study peacefully and properly for each paper??
2009-05-12 07:58:53
62.5% of the exams are over
and most importantly
physics is over..this is the happiest day of my whole lifeee!!
I can't wait to finish..I have soo many AMVs in mind
2009-05-11 14:23:24
Even tough i should be studying now for tomorrow's paper since i already gave up i'm here writing this useless journal entry
2009-05-11 09:17:23
Lol...I gave up...I'm not studying physics anymore..
2009-05-10 04:02:11
Trying my best to study the most boring subject in the world!
Its so hard that I can't seem to be able to do it properly xD
I hate physics!
Specially mechanics and anything related to it!
Freakin IB!
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 22:20:07