LoLoka (Gabriela Verdugo)
2009-05-05 14:07:52
I'm not used to keep journals but its fun..
2009-05-05 14:06:56
I'm so nervous for tom that i can't fall asleep...I already ahve no more than 5 hours of sleep available and of course I'm not gonna fall asleep right now as I'm writing here
2009-05-05 07:47:05
I probably should be studying right now but I just can't
i have already written so many papers that just moving my hand to write one more sounds like too much effort for me..I wonder why don't they just grade you considering whatever we do during the whole program rather than screwing you up with freakin papers that count everything..the ones u can perfectly screw up due to some reason of the day like headaches or god knows what
2009-05-04 12:19:40
only 2 days left..
No ideas
2009-05-04 03:56:03
No ideas...
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